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Monday, August 30, 2010

The count continues. . .

I have 2 teens in braces, as of today.  Becca has had braces only on the bottom teeth, she wears the palate adjuster on the top, to stretch out the mouth, before they can put the braces on the top.  We took Dan in today, just expecting they would do the preliminary work.  He came home with the braces on all his teeth (he has more room in his mouth than Becca does).  We were shocked they did it all today.  His mouth is a bit sore.  He has a cool neon green on his, and Becca has pink.

3 is the number of bee stings I have gotten so far this summer.  Almost had a bunch more today.  Jon & I went to get some stuff out of an old van.  When he slid the van door open, we found out that some paper wasps had built their nest on the sliding door.  They came out hopping mad and buzzing all around.  I was so glad I didn't take Matthew with, as he was begging to go.  Jon and I stayed real still, and they buzzed around, and then left.  I was worried about closing the door again, but Jon got it done, and we took off out of there!  So, how did I get the 3 stings?  Well, the first 2 happened at one time--I was testing the pool, and putting chemicals in.  I wasn't looking down, and the bee got between my foot and the sandal, and when I walked, it stung--twice.   I can understand that one.  It's the 3rd one that has me confused.  We were laying on some recliners in the pool one day.  All of a sudden, I got stung on the inside arch of my foot.  Not sure if I subconsciously felt it on my foot, and jumped, or used the other foot to brush it off.  Still kind of fuzzy.  All I know is, it hurt!!  And I sat up quickly, which made my float kind of sink.  I was screaming, and Rick & Dan were laughing--thinking that my float got a hole, and I was just sinking, as they didn't know I had been stung.

Well, enough counting for today.  I need to go to bed.  OK.  One more count--25--that is the minutes it is past my bedtime. 

Oh, and 1 cute thing.  I couldn't resist another count!  Matthew was singing the "Countdown Song" for children.  You know the old time one "Somewhere in outer space, God has prepared a place".  Except, Matthew sings it "God has repaired a place."  Ha, ha

Good night!

99 cents a pound is not a good deal for grapes!

. . .Especially when you get the whole big bunch home, and find out they are horribly SOUR!!!!  Major pucker power!!  I have seen people eat a grape in the store, and always thought it would be stealing. Is eating 1 grape stealing, or not??  I surely don't like getting 5 pounds of sour grapes home!!!  I think I will freeze them, and then sugar them.  Otherwise, what do you do with them??

I've been cleaning like crazy today.  So, I thought I would sit down and give myself some reward time on the computer.  Yeah!

Jon's car did break down. I guess it was the head gasket--major expense.  So, he ended up buying another car really cheap.  Sold the old car to the mechanic for a couple hundred.  2 days later, the newer car died!!  Seriously!  I guess it was an air filter needed to be changed, and it needed a tune up, and fuel filter.  Running fine now, but he might need the fuel pump changed.

Well, I need to get back to work.


It seems to me I had a whole list of things I had been counting.  Right now, I can only think of a couple.  The buds on my fabulous rose bush!!  I had 87 roses on that bush, for the first flowering of this year.  Then, it went dormant for a bit, and now it is loaded again (I haven't counted them as of yet).

3 days until the dog gets fixed!!  No more heat cycles for her, or stressing for me!

7 days till our school year starts.  I am not ready!

A whole bunch of gallons of water that Sam has drank from the pool (I can't count those gallons!)  Sam has learned a bit how to swim.  This coming from the guy who can't stand to have water on his hair or face whilst taking a bath.  He loves to dunk himself in the pool!!  I'm so amazed at how much he enjoyed the pool.  Normally, when we go to a motel, he freaks out in the pool area, and I have to have him double protected (floatie swim suit, and an inflatable bucket seat).

Many laughs with Sam.  He learned how to pedal a bike!  He is also pretty good at riding the scooter, until he took the spill on the road, and scraped his face, both elbows, and both knees.  That's not the funny part--what is funny, is still wanting sympathy over the boo boos (still, even though you can't see them any more).  Also, last week, he was helping me remove the husks from some corn.  He was so patient, and at long last, got it down to the corn, to which he replied, "MOM!!!  It corn!!!"  I'm not sure what he thought he was doing, as I had a whole pile of corn on the cob between him & myself!  He did 3 ears for me--I'll take the help!!

After that, he looked over at the dog, who was panting very heavily.  If you are unfamiliar with a child with Down's, you might not know that there is a lot of work involved in training them to keep their oversized tongue in their mouth.  I used to have to push his tongue in his mouth, and remind him (Sam, put your tongue in your mouth).  Now, I don't have to push the tongue in his mouth, just give him a gentle reminder (Sam-tongue).  He is getting really good about it, now, and only does it when he is concentrating very hard at something.  Back to the dog.  So, she is there panting, and her tongue is hanging wayyyy down!  Sam goes over to her, and shoves that big, long tongue, back into her mouth!  It worked for a few seconds, and it was back out, to which, he patiently pushed it all back in.  :D  Love his patience and persistence! 

We've had some tough times recently, and sure do appreciate the prayers, and emails we have received.  Still not through the woods.  When I'm counting my blessings, you are on my list!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ouch, a sunburn hurts!

Well, I spent way too much time in the pool yesterday, and I am now paying for it.  :-(   It was very relaxing, though!!

We have been having VBS this week.  Instead of doing arts/crafts, we do sports.  The children have a choice between flag football, or soccer for the 4 to 11 year olds, and volleyball for the 12 on up range.  It has been a nasty week, weather wise.  God-wise---it has been great!!!  I think every night, we have had conversions from non-churched kids!!  We now have 50 kids registered, and they are such a great group!!  We go from 6 to 9 every night.  My hopes were to get the kids checked in, and then come home.  Those were my hopes--reality is, I register them, and then head to the kitchen to get the water and gatorade, and snacks prepared.  But, last night, I was able to leave at 7:30.  I came home, and hopped in the pool--it was so relaxing!!!  Ah!  My fabulous neighbor has been helping me out this week, as well, and she came over, and joined me in the pool, as it was so hot and humid. 

When I got back inside, I found my hubby had called, they were all trying to find the take home papers!  I guess everything went awry (I must hold it all together, huh??).  I texted dh, and told him that I left the papers with the rally leader.  They did finally find the papers, AFTER all the children left. 

Tonight, I will have to stay the whole time, and wear many hats in doing so--registration lady, snack lady, photographer, and nurse, to name a few. 

Our dog is great.  All she does is lay there, and she loves to be petted.  2 days after we got her, she went into heat.  :-(  SERIOUSLY??????   I was so upset, as I was going to have her fixed right away.  So, now we wait.

I am trying a new recipe tonight.  It is called "Crock Pot Gyros".  We love Gyros!!  Hope it tastes good!!

Jon's car has broke down (we think it is serious), and my hubby had to run him into work yesterday and today.  We are still waiting on a verdict on his car.

That's all the news for now.