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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Another busy season

Well, I have been busy with preparations for the Living Last Supper.  We had our first practice on Wednesday night.  We were only missing 2 1/2 people.  How do you miss 1/2 person??  Well, the one guy came really late--he missed 1/2 the practice.  :)  Josh had the stomach flu, and as he plays the part of Jesus, the guys had fun with it, saying, "Physician, heal thyself."  We were also missing a man whose both sources of heat went out.  He did finally get them both up and running.

I spent one day trying to figure out how to get our invites for the Living Last Supper, to be printed by an online retailer, on business cards.  I wasted a whole bunch of time, to only decide to just print them myself!  I am pleased with the end result.  I also need to print off posters.  I was also doing other stuff today for the play.

I had my sleep study.  The only problem is--for a sleep study, you need to SLEEP!!!  I didn't have any pop, and no nap.  I got there, and changed into my jammies.  They got me all hooked up to all kinds of monitors.  I crocheted for a while, and then read.  At 10, I went through a bunch of tests--look to the left, then the right; move left leg, then right leg, etc.  Then, I attempted to sleep.  At 11:20 (why did she wait so long??), she came in and said they would give me an Ambien.  At 11:50, the nurse came in to give it to me.  I STILL laid awake for a long time after that (I was beginning to think it wasn't an Ambien, but, rather a placebo!)  I finally fell asleep, only to have the technician come in and say that one of the electrodes on my head came off.  She left, and I could not go back to sleep.  I will get the results on the 20th.  In my defense, those weren't the jammies I sleep in--I normally sleep in a nightgown, and these had to be a 2 piece.  Also, the O2 sensor on my finger was way too tight.  And, lastly, I didn't realize that they were putting in a nasal cannula, that also had something that went into my mouth. 

I had to take Matthew into the doctor, as he had a horrible rash on his arm.  Found out it was eczema, with an infection.  He is on antibiotics, as well as a cream, to help the rash.

I went through a small ball of yarn, as well as 1 huge cone of yarn, making them into dishcloths.  Now, I have started on another cone of yarn.  It is relaxing. I have also made a wool soaker, to go over a diaper, so when a baby/child wets heavily at night, this is supposed to soak up the excess, so you aren't changing sheets all the time.  I made one, and am working on another.  I just need more wool yarn.

I think we've been having a race with Josh & Brittany, over who is going to have the most appliances break.  Josh and Brittany won!!  First, my dryer went out, and then, my microwave.  Josh came last night, and installed my new microwave.  I keep hoping my fridge will break, but, it's been everything BUT the fridge!!!  LOL  If I could get a new fridge--I might consider a French door fridge--with the freezer on the bottom.  Or, maybe a side by side.  Or. . .  something with lights in it, definitely!!!  Josh and Brittany's washer and dryer and microwave all broke down.
