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Friday, December 5, 2014

An Unexpected Phone Call

(This actually happened on December 28, 2013.)

Three days after Christmas, Jon (who was 21 at the time), Dan (17) and Andrew (15) went to a nearby ski resort.  They were going to be snowboarding, and getting all prepped, and ready so they could go snowboarding again on December 31st, which was to be Jon's 22nd birthday. 

            My husband Rick, who is a Pastor, and I were home with the two little boys, just lounging around, and waiting till later in the afternoon, when Rick had to officiate for a funeral.

            A little after noon, we received a call from Jon, who said we needed to get to the hospital right away.  His phone was cutting out, because of the location of where they were.  He said that they had only gone down one run, the bunny hill, and were standing in line for the ski lift, when Dan fell to the ground.  He was in cardiac arrest, and he quit breathing.  Dan has always been very healthy, and there are no heart problems in the family.  I never thought we would receive a phone call like this—maybe a broken leg, but not that my son’s heart had stopped.

            There was a man nearby, who, at first glance, thought Dan was goofing off.  Then, he realized Dan was dying.  He kicked off his skis and began administering CPR.  He also called for someone to get an AED.  They brought the AED, and it registered that Dan needed a shock.  It brought Dan back, and he needed a few more CPR compressions.  Dan doesn't remember waking up until he was on the ambulance, although the paramedics say he moaned while on the ground.

            He was hospitalized for 5 days, during which, they ran numerous tests.  Everything turned out negative.  Because they don't know the reason for his sudden cardiac arrest, they put a defibrillator in.  He still has more upcoming tests, and lots of doctor and cardiologist visits ahead.

            The doctors and nurses kept asking Rick and I to leave the room, so they could talk to Dan alone.  During these talks, they kept asking him if he took drugs, drank alcohol or energy drinks, or smoked.  Dan said no.  Then, they would let us back in.  Now, I understand when they need to ask these questions, but it was over and over and over.  The one nurse took me aside privately and said she could tell Dan had never used drugs, and she was apologetic for having to ask.  So, I told them to run a drug test on Dan, so that we could put that behind us, once and for all, and then the doctors could be looking for the real reason why his heart stopped.  So, they did the drug test, and found out we were right, the drug test was negative.  :)

            God is still using our story!  The hospital PR lady tracked us down in the hospital and said she had heard about the story, and was hoping that we would grant an interview with a couple TV stations, and then we could meet Dan's rescuers.  We talked it over with Dan, and prayed about it, and Dan was the one who said we should do it, and that we could give the glory to God.  When we got to the board room it was packed with lots of video cameras, still cameras and lot of recording devices.  It was way bigger than we had ever imagined!  We gave our testimony, and each of us gave God the credit.  Yes, the media did edit out a lot of what we said, but the message went out.

            So many miracles took place!!  First--the boys were originally going to go to a different ski resort, in the night time hours.  I do not think this other resort had the AED.  Second--God had Dan in the right place--we are so grateful he wasn't coming down a slope, which would have delayed medical help, or, even being on the ski lift--he would have fallen out.  I shudder to think of either of these scenarios.  Third--there was a man nearby who knew CPR, and overcame some obstacles (he has PTSD), and helped save our son.  Shane, the man who gave Dan CPR, was not planning on going skiing, but his father talked him into taking his two girls for the first time that day.  There were 7,000 people at the ski resort, and Dan collapsed right where God wanted him.  Fourth--Dan collapsed right outside the window of where the AED was!!  Fifth--at the time of when Dan collapsed, there was an ambulance already on its way!!!  They thought an elderly man was having a heart attack, and had called for an ambulance for him, but found out he wasn't, and so diverted the ambulance for Dan--Dan was only on the ground 10 minutes till he was in the ambulance.  This is amazing--if you saw how far the ambulance had to come to get to the ski resort.

            The cardiac doctor stated that only 2-12% of cardiac arrest patients, outside of a hospital setting, survive.  Dan is doing much better than just having survived—there are no ill effects, there could have been brain damage, etc.  We believe Satan wanted to destroy Dan’s life, but God said no because of the hedge.   We are so blessed!!! 

            We have found this to be an incredible witnessing opportunity because none of us are guaranteed another year, another week, another breath.  This moment might be the last we have.  Dan was always very healthy, as a young child, and as a young man.  That is why this news is so shocking.  So many people may say--"Let me live my life, and when I'm older, or more set, or _____, THEN I will give my heart to the Lord."  In Dan's case, he had NO warning--no feeling of weakness, no sense that he was going to collapse.  Dan almost died that day, but, he was revived--by God having special people in just the right place.  

 Dan with his rescuers

Dan in hospital, right before he receives the defibrillator/pace maker


Sunday, November 30, 2014

Another Crown for a Grandmother!

We have been pretty busy around here.  Watching grandchildren, so their parents can have a date night.  Or watching grandchildren, so their parents can go to the hospital to have their newest sibling, plus having another grandchild, so they can go to work.  Then, we headed into Thanksgiving week.  Whew.  We are bushed!  But blessed.

We had the whole family over for Thanksgiving, even if it was just for a little while.  I was excited to get a picture of our complete family--that is 4 generations!!

Also, my daughter-in-law asked me if I would take pictures of the newborn baby!  How fun!!  I immediately started to research different poses, and how to do it.  She also added her input.  So, after most of the family left, we started in with the pictures.  How cute are they?  This is Adel:

And my favorite picture:

The Bible says, "Children's children are the crown of old men".  We now have 6 crowns.  :)


Review: NKJV Adventure Bible for Kids

This is a beautiful Bible!!  I love the bold, bright colors on the cover, as well as inside the Bible.  The different articles in the Bible are fun to read.  Here are some of the features:
  • Life in Bible Times—Articles and illustrations describe what life was like in ancient days
  • People in Bible Times—Articles offer close-up looks at amazing people of the Bible
  • Let’s Live It!—Hands-on activities help kids apply biblical truths to their life
  • Did You Know?—Interesting facts help kids understand God's Word
  • Words to Treasure—Great verses to memorize
  • Book introductions, a concordance, and 8 pages of full-color maps
  • Available in Italian Duo-Tone and durable hardcover editions
The only thing I'm not sure about, whether I like, is the NKJV.  We are a KJV family, and I was under the understanding that they only removed the thee's and thou's.  It is more than that.  We love the KJV, and read out of it regularly as a family.  But, if I couldn't get a KJV, and I had to choose between a NKJV, or NIV, it would hands down be NKJV.  It is so hard finding a kids bible in the King James Version, but this Adventure Bible, in the New King James Version, comes in a close second.

I gave this Bible to our 11 year old son.  He does read out of this in the morning Bible reading times.  That is when we notice the differences.  I do know that he loves this Bible, and will read out of it, just for fun!  I'm happy to have him in God's Word!!!  He enjoys all the little extras included in this Bible.

One thing I like, is that it has a small paragraph on how to care for the Bible.  I don't think many people know how to care for a new Bible.  Each new Bible needs to have the binding loosened, by pressing on a small section of pages at a time.  This helps Bibles to last.  I just wish this information was at the beginning of the Bible, and not right before the maps.  :)

I received this hardcover NKJV Adventure Bible free, from Book Look Bloggers, for my honest review.  The opinions were my own.  :)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

My thoughts on MLM Essential Oils

A little history on me, first.

Years ago, I had hosted a "party" in my home, selling some goods, what it is, doesn't matter.  Well, afterwards, I just didn't feel right about it.  I really thought that I had taken advantage of my friends.  I mean, I've been to parties, that you just feel uncomfortable, and feel pressured into buying stuff to "help your friend out."  So, I called each of my friends soon after the party.  I told them that I was sorry to take advantage of their friendship like that, and if they wanted, they could cancel their order.  Let's just say, I had a very good party.  So, each one had the chance to cancel their order.  Do you know, every single one of them canceled their order!  Their comments were: "We were just trying to help you get the stuff you wanted", and, "it was fun, but I really didn't need any of that."  I made a commitment not to get involved in a MLM system again.  So, no, I have not hosted any parties.  I have on occasion, gone to some, and, on occasion I have purchased some items (I  LOVE Sol-U-Mel!!  That stuff is AMAZING!!--no, I am not paid to say that).  But, recently, I went to a class to teach you about Essential Oils.

The class was good--however, I did have some questions.  They tout their products as being 100% pure therapeutic oils, and the only place you can buy 100% pure products (not true!).  They also (almost) claim that EO's will cure any ailment you may have.  They tell you that the essential oils are so strong, that if you are going to add them to water and drink them, only buy a glass drinking bottle, because the EO will break down the plastic.  Then, just a bit later, they tell you that you can make your own cleaning products--just put water in a plastic spray bottle and add in your EO.  So--my question is--why will it break down one plastic bottle, but not another??  Why can you use it for cleaning, but not for drinking?  They had no answer.  :)  Next question, please??

So, sad to say, I did buy into their program.  I mean--look at all the benefits I would get.  Let me interject here--I did buy into the program--with the intent of never adding people under me.  I was going to stay the bottom rung forever.  I made a commitment years ago, remember?   And, I was desperate.  The children were dealing with some nasty stuff, and we were making hospital runs, and I was tired of them being sick.  PLUS!  Look at all the stuff you get!!  You get a diffuser (I do have to admit, I do like it, although the lid did break by just wiping it, which I am trying to contact the company about), 10 main essential oils, plus a reference guide.  Woo hoo!    Look at the money you are saving, right??  Well. . .  I'll get into that later.

So--Why am I so against the MLM Essential Oils??

 I do not like the New Age teaching you get from it.  i.e. the blend "Forgiveness" (this is from their catalog), "Forgiveness enhances the ability to forgive yourself and others while letting go of negative emotions, which is an important part of personal growth."  I'm sorry, but as a Christian, you do not need an Essential Oil to help you forgive!!!!  You need the help of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I will quote only 1 more from their catalog.  This is "Inner Child--stimulates memory response to help you connect with your authentic self and take steps toward finding emotional balance."  Excuse me??  As a Christian--this is the work of the Holy Spirit--NOT an Essential Oil.

If you read in the reference guide--it's even  WORSE  than the main catalog!!!  In the first few dozen pages, it goes into "Auricular Emotional Therapy Points".  I have a big problem with this!  Quoted from the book, "Bearing burdens of the world use release and valor".  This is on the ear.  Let me say, that, as a Christian, Jesus is the burden bearer, and we are to cast all our cares upon Him, because He cares for us.  And also, in Galatians, we are to bear one another's burdens.  And, if you are feeling guilty??  Use an oil!!  Let me repeat--as a Christian, if we are feeling guilty, the thing we need to do is repent!  Enough said.  I could go on and on. Ok.  I just have to do 1 more.  The reference guide says under depression, "Cleansing the flesh and blood of evil deities, use these oils Cedarwood, Myrrh."  Then it gives a history ""Breaking the lineage of iniquity.'  The ancient Egyptians believed that if they didn't clear the body and mind of negative influences before dying, they could not progress into the next life and return to this world to take up the body they had left in the tomb (resurrection)."  Do I really need to comment on this one???

Now, don't get me wrong--I do feel that Essential Oils are beneficial (when you drop off all the New Age - and some places say it is witchcraft - mumbo jumo).  I mean, look--when the high priests anointed people, it was with holy anointing oils.  And, when the children of Israel went into battle--they didn't bring a doctor along, I've heard they brought along herbal remedies.  So, if they were to just deal with physical problems, I would have no problem with it--just tell me what oil to use, if we have a sinus infection, or whatever.  BUT--when you are dealing with emotional problems--you either need to talk to Jesus, or in some cases, a counselor.

Also--I have seen Christians, who use EO's,  when they have an illness--rather than turning to our Lord Jesus, the Healer, turn to their essential oils, or to the reference manual, first.  We need to remember  He is more than able to heal, and we need to go to Him first!!  There is a place for doctors, and for essential oils--but Jesus should be our first go-to when something is wrong. Some people are using essential oils to replace Jesus in the healing business.

Ok.  Now to deal with the financial part of it.  I am not talking about my initial start up kit.  I will only talk about purchasing some of the oils that I do like, and use.  There is a blend of  Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Rosemary, Lemon, and Eucalyptus.  I really like that oil!!  But, my cost, in the catalog is over $30 for a 15 ml bottle.  I can get the same size bottle, 100% pure, therapeutic oil for $15 - from a Christian company!  Remember--the MLM company states that they have 100% pure EO.  Well, they are NOT the only ones.  There are other companies out there that have really good products, too, just less cost.  With the MLM company--I am providing income for all my upline (people above me).

So, it comes down to this--do I purchase over-priced products, from a company who pushes a LOT of New Age teaching; or am I to be a good steward of God's money, and buy a product, that is just as good, and only half the cost, from a Christian company??  I guess the ball is now in your court.  Which company would you support??


Why I homeschool

I was asked recently, "Why do you homeschool?"  I was shocked, as I haven't been asked that question in a LONG time!  LOL  And, I probably mumbled some unintelligible reply.  But, I have been musing over the question--why do we homeschool?  It's been 25 years ago, since Pastor and I decided to home educate the children.  No, it's not been easy.  Yes, there were days I wondered if I was doing the right thing.  But, with 7 children graduated, and seeing the fruit--it has been worth it all.  All the blood, sweat, and tears!!  And, only 3 children to go!

Home educating is a LOT of work--I mean really!!!  We have to do all the planning, preparation, grading, teaching, testing, and the list goes on. And on top of all the school work--we have all the housework, too--cooking, cleaning, and don't forget Mount Never Rest (aka laundry).  But--what else is more rewarding??  I LOVE teaching new readers--really!  It is so exciting for me, to see them learn how to read.  I have successfully taught 9 of the children how to read -- and it was a thrill each and every time.  I am still working with my son with Down Syndrome.  And--for the first time, he started to read words.  That was a thrill multiplied to an exponential degree!!!  Lots of work with him, but it is beginning to pay off.

Back to why do we home educate.  I guess what it really boils down to, is: We feel it is directed by God.  Deuteronomy 6:7 says, "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."  How else can you teach the things of God diligently in these 4 times in the day (when you get up, sitting in your house, on the way, and at night time), unless you are home educating?

I want my children to learn Godly character.  It seems to be lacking in this day and age.  I also want our children to be like Psalms 144:12 "That our sons may be as plants gown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace."

I want my children to learn science the right way-- I want them  to know that God made the world (and all that is therein), and it didn't just happen by chance, or evolution.

I want my children to learn history the correct way--that history is really His Story.  And, yes, the Holocaust really did happen.  And, yes, our Founding Fathers had it right when they penned the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

I want my children to learn the ways of God--to be able to bring their Bible to school (LOL), and to pray in school.  To learn why they are here (do you think they teach THAT in public school??).  That there is a loving God, who loved them so much, to give His only Son for each of us.

So, we are taking this time, of home education, to sharpen the arrows (Psalm 127:4) that He has given us--so that we can shoot them out into the world, and they would be straight, and hit their mark.  I want them to do great things for God.

Now, Home educating is NOT for everyone!!  LOL  And I know some people who home school,  who should NOT be home schooling.  :)  It is a lot of work.  Did I say that already??  But, it is amazing.  To see a child unlock the reading code, or understands a new math principle--it is so thrilling.  But, not only am I a teacher--I am a learner.  I am learning so many new things--things about my children, things about myself, as well as things in history (or science, or. . .) that I may have forgotten, or it wasn't taught.

Who knows my children, and their abilities, better than me?  I know their strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles better than anyone.  And, the children are NOT cookie cutter children!  One program of math, or phonics (or fill in the blank), may work well for one child, but, for another child--it may be sheer torture! Not only for that child, but also for me!!  I can not remember how many different math programs we have used through the years.  It's a lot.  Probably almost as many programs as I have children.  hee hee.  Would they get this flexibility from a public school?  Definitely not. I don't even think they would get it from a Christian school.   I can see what appeals to each child, and what would be the best way to go about getting them to understand each concept.  

I love to take Bible verses, and apply them to daily living.  What can we learn from 4 words in the Sermon on the Mount, "And seeing the multitudes"?  Well, we can learn about eyesight--myopia, and hyperopia.  Now--apply myopia to ourselves--myopia is nearsightedness, then it would be a me-vision, only concerned with myself.  And hyperopia is farsightedness, so that would be overlooking the needs of those around me.  Do I see as God sees?  How did Jesus see people?  How should I see people?  This is just a start.

Is home educating for you?  It is a calling.  If God has called you, He will equip you.


Monday, September 22, 2014

Busy days

Dan's graduation party went well.  Not as many people came, but it was still nice.

School has started.  We are in our 4th week.  Rick and Dan have gone up north, to get alone with God, and ask Him for direction in Dan's life.  They will come back in a couple of days.

Matthew went in for another yearly scoliosis exam.  He is doing well, no change, and will be continued to be monitored.

Rick, Josiah, Dan and myself went to see Tim Hawkins.  We haven't laughed that hard in a long time.  It was really nice to just kick back, and enjoy ourselves.

We had sicknesses go through half of our household.  First, Matthew got it.  High fever, and a cough.  Then, Sam got it.  He got hit really bad.  He was battling 105 degree fever.  I took him in to urgent care, and they said he had pneumonia.  They gave him an IV with antibiotics, as well as some fluid as they were worried about dehydration.  They sent him home with more antibiotics, and said if his fever went back up, to bring him back in.  Well, we had to take him back in, just a couple hours after he had been sent back home.  We had packed a bag for Sam and myself, just in case they kept him in the hospital.  They got his fever back down, and sent us home.  Then, Rick got it.  Thankfully, that's the only ones who got sick.

The boys and I were cleaning up the outside back yard.  When we came up to the house, we saw thousands of bugs.  We all looked at them, and tried to figure out what they were.  We ended up finishing our outside work, as we were trying to get it done, before the rains and cold weather came.  We then started thinking about those bugs.  We kept going out to see them, but they had gone underground.  We were finally able to catch some, and took them into Orkin.  They said they were carpenter ants, and that they can do a lot of damage.  Then, on Saturday, we found a HUGE one on a wall!  I taped it to the wall with mailing tape.  Its jaws (mandibles) were snapping.  We measured it, and it was just shy of 1/2 inch!  That is a big ant!!  Matthew was worried I was going to leave it there.  LOL


Book Review: "The Confession" by Robert Whitlow

This is the first Robert Whitlow book that I have read.  My hubby told me what a great author he was, and that I really should read his books.  Well, "The Confession" came up for grabs on the Book Look Bloggers books for review, and I thought I would give it a try.  It was amazing!!

It starts off with Holt Douglas, and his best friend at a party, and then ending up in an accident.  Fast forward ten years, and Holt Douglas is now Assistant District Attorney Holt Douglas.  He is very proficient at his job of getting a guilty verdict, especially when he has a written confession in hand. 

He stumbles upon an old case that was technically solved, but it just doesn't sit well with him.  He begins to dig into the case, and does not believe that the town's wealthy citizen committed suicide.  His boss tells him to leave it alone, or else!  With all his digging, he begins to battle his own thoughts, of guilt, confession and forgiveness.  But, if he confesses, he has a chance to lose his promising career, not to mention his girlfriend. 

I received this e-book free, from Book Look Bloggers, for my honest review.  The opinions were my own.  :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Book Review: Distortion: Moonlighters Series: Book 2 by Terri Blackstock

This is a book review on 2nd book in the Moonlighters series, "Distortion" by Terri Blackstock.  Although I had not read book 1 in the series, you can understand what is going on, even though you jump in on book 2.  :)  This book starts off with a bang--literally!  Juliet and Bob Cole were innocently moving Juliet's sister, Holly, into a new house.  They stopped in to return the moving truck, when Bob is shot and killed in front of Juliet.  Who could have done this, and why??  Now she has to go home and tell her children that their dad has been killed.  How do you approach that?  She goes home and looks at her husbands phone, only to see he has a few voice mails.  She listens to them, and they are threatening her husband, and her children!  Juliet and her sisters and other family members begin looking into the crime.  Was Bob who they thought he was?  How could he have been living a double life, and no one knew about it?  The book has many twists and turns and will have you glued to the pages of the book.  It is filled with mystery, intrigue, and even kidnapping!  I enjoyed the book so much, I will get book 1 to see what I missed out on.

I received this e-book for free from Blogging for Books for this review.  The opinions are all my own.  :)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Vacation days 9 and 10

Day 9
We went to Universal Studios, for our free day.  We packed up out of the vacation condo, and went to Orlando.  We then stayed at EconoLodge there.  We were going to take their shuttle to Universal Studios, but found out there was only one trip going there, and one return trip.  We didn't want to stay there until 6:30, so we drove the minivan.  We were so glad we did! 

Dan, Andrew and Matthew went to the regular Universal Studios.  Rick, Sam and I went to Islands of Adventure.  We enjoyed our day.  We had decided to meet back at a certain spot at 5 PM.  At 4:15, it started to rain--I mean really pour!  Like I said, we were glad we didn't take the motel's shuttle, as we would have been stuck there for over 2 hours in the downpour.  We met back up, and went to eat at Outback Steakhouse.

We went to the motel, and I changed in the bathroom into my jammies.  I came out, and tossed my white skirt on the bathroom counter while I washed my hands.  Then, I looked, and my skirt was crawling with bugs!!  Rick gathered some, and went down to the lobby to try to get us another room.  They said they were full up.  So, we could either leave, and lose our money, or deal with it.  We ended up killing all the bugs, and washing down the walls in the counter area.  We went to sleep.  I did not sleep well, as I kept thinking we had bugs all over.  The next morning, the bathroom counter area was crawling with bugs again.  When we went for breakfast--they said, oh, we are so sorry you had ants in your room.  I told them I know what ants are, and these were NOT ants.  They never offered us a discount. 

Day 10
Off to the airport.  We had 2 trips this day.  Orlando to Dallas, and Dallas to Minneapolis.  I gave Sam and Matthew and myself some dramamine.  I slept on the first trip.  Then, landing in Dallas, we went all over looking for a Taco Bell in the airport.  We never did find one.  But ate at a chicken and biscuit place.  We had a nice second flight.  There were hardly any people on this flight, and Matthew asked them if he could move and get a window seat, and she said yes, once we were in the air.  So, when we were airborne, she went on the loud speaker and said that everyone could move and get whatever seat they wanted.  So, Dan, Andrew and Matthew all got a window seat.  The clouds were beautiful!  We were so far above them, it looked like snow on the ground.  When we landed, it was pretty chilly temps.


Book Review "Critical Condition" by Richard Mabry

I have read all of Richard Mabry's books, and this one did not disappoint!  It was filled with drama, mystery, and suspense. 

The prologue starts off with Dr. Shannon Frasier and her fiance, Todd, walking when Todd is shot.  He dies in her arms, and she holds herself responsible, and vows to work hard to save people's lives. 

Fast forward a few years, when she is having a dinner party, and there is a murder of a stranger on her lawn.  He dies in her arms.  Then the phone calls start, wanting to know what the dying man told her. 

Her sister, who is a recovering alcoholic, asks to move in with her, and Shannon is always wondering if Megan is staying sober.  Then, Shannon's dad is diagnosed with leukemia.  She's not sure she can trust the police on the case.  Who do you turn to in times like these?

I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this review.  The opinions are all my own.  :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day 8

Today, our plans are to do laundry and clean the condo. Probably have some pool time, too.  We need a quiet day. Traveling in this crazy traffic is wearing on a person. And I'm not driving!!

When we got back to St. Petersburg, the condo next door was wrapped. They are fumigating for bugs. Rick wanted to pack up and leave immediately!  I missed a picture of it wrapped. But here it is being taken down. 

There are lots of little lizards outside our door. 

I was just handed a flyer of upcoming May events. In it was this notice:


Day 7

We were heading back through the Everglades. We did not take the toll road. We wanted the "Essential Florida" trip. It's an old Adventures in Odyssey partial quote on their Hawaii trip. 

Still seeing lots of animal signs and a sign I hadn't seen in ages. Daytime speed limit and night time speed limit. 

We also took an airboat ride in the Everglades. 

And saw lots more gators. 

This alligator has its head resting on a turtle. 

We also saw alligator wrestling. 

And you could get your picture holding a small gator. 

Then, traveling through the Everglades, we saw the smallest Post Office!  It's even smaller than the one in our town!

We got back to St. Petersburg and did a bunch of laundry. Had a nice meal of rotisserie chicken, Caesar salad, and fresh strawberries. Fed all 6 of us for a total of $10.50! Not each. Total cost! 


Day 6

We drove down to the Keys and saw these signs. 

Then, we went to Theater of the Sea. It was so much fun. The only negatives were they were limited on t shirt sizes. They had plenty for adults or infants. 

We saw dolphin shows. The dolphin would push the girl up into the air. 

More Dolphin show. 

Then, what makes this place amazing is you get to swim with the dolphins. For more money. Each of the boys did each of these activities. I'm just putting on 1 of each activity. 

Here are the boys rubbing the dolphins tummy. 

Dan getting a kiss from the dolphin. 

Matthew getting pushed around the pool by the dolphin. 

Andrew getting a torsal pull by 2 dolphins. 

Dan hugging a dolphin. 

The boys holding a dolphin. 

Lots of thatched roof huts all around the Keys and Everglades. 

We stayed at a Super 8 this night. And yes. We now fastidiously check for bed bugs!


Day 5

We got in the van and headed south to the Everglades. We had an enlightening trip. 

First, there was the bridge. 

I. Do. NOT. Like. Bridges. At all. 

Then, there were the odd signs. 

This was in a well populated area. By a hospital and nice golf courses. 

We made it to Florida City. Checked into a nice hotel. It was a Econolodge. The boys went to the pool. This was right by the pool. 

Crawled into bed. Shortly after, there was a knock on our door. Dan and Andrew were in a room, and they found bed bugs!!  (Sorry. No picture of that). They told hotel management and they came and checked, and sure enough, grossed the management out, too!  Gave them a new room. 

The next morning we checked out. I don't think anyone slept well. I kept turning on my flashlight on my phone to check. 

All we got from management the next day was, "I'm sorry.  The previous guest must have brought the bed bugs in."


Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 4

We went to Universal Studios. The older boys had tons of fun. They went on lots of rides. 

Rick, Sam and I stood in line for Despicable Me. The line was 65 minutes. Yeah. Right. After 45 minutes of waiting, an announcement comes on stating they are experiencing a slight delay, and the minions are looking into it. Well, after 1/2 hour, the line finally started up again. I should mention that it isn't a ride. It's simulated. 

We went on the Transformer ride and that was fantastic!! 

Tried out the Twister. It wasn't a ride, you stand for this one, and they show you what it looks like, as you are on a set. It was good but my feet were already tired. 

We are gluttons for punishment and thought we would try out Despicable Me again. The line was only supposed to be 50 minutes. After 45 minutes, we were oh so close, the announcement comes on go a slight delay. We sat down and waited 15 minutes. Then, there was a new announcement!  They shut the ride down. Sam was not happy. 

I think they should give people, who are this close to being on the ride a special pass to go to the head of the line if the ride breaks down. It was ridiculous. 

We did the Men in Black ride and I got the most points for zapping aliens. 

The park was 1/2 hour to closing, and we were able to walk right up to the front for Transformers. Twice!!!

Later, we ate at Olive Garden. Yum!


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Days 2-3

Day 2 - We went to Universal Studios Islands ofAdventure. It was a lot of fun. Exhausting, and very long lines. 

I almost got in trouble!  Rick, Sam, and I were on a Dr. Seuss ride. Sam and I in the front of the car. Well, they did not tell which side to exit out. I got out on the wrong side, saw my mistake, and got back in and exited the right way. Can you believe they shut the whole ride down for about 10-15 minutes???  The gal said it looked like I was in danger. Ha! I was on a platform, realized my mistake and corrected it. They took down my name, AGE, and address!!  It was awful. I almost didn't want to go on any more rides. 

Day 3 - Today we went the beach. After looking for a Florida map for quite some time. :-(. We went to Madeira beach and enjoyed the sun, finding sea shells, and getting a little sunburned, even though we used a lot of sun block. 

Later on, we went to Sawgrass Park and foundout they have 3 kinds of poisonous snakes here (rattlesnakes, coral snakes, and cottonmouth or water snakes). Thankfully, we didn't see any snakes. But we did see 3 alligators. This park is about 2 miles from where we are staying. There are tons of lizards every where we go (even in front of our condo). The boys even saw a turtle. 

Heading to the car. I still think Spanish Moss looks creepy!


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

In Florida

Well, we made it to Florida!  I even did pretty good on the flight. Well, a little Dramamine helped. ;-). Sam loved flying And can't wait to go again. We will have two flights on the way home.  There was quite a bit of turbulence, and the pilot took us way up to get out if it. I slept most of the trip. 

We made it through security just fine. We were worried because Matthew is on liquid antibiotics, Dan has a defibrillator (how many 17 year olds do you know have one?) and I have my Cpap machine. We had no problems. 

We had to stop and buy some food. Made our traditional pizza on the first night of vacation. 

After supper we took the boys to the outdoor pool. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day. Well, that is, IF you can find towels and sheets!  We looked all over the condo. Rick ended up going to a Dollar General and bought 4 towels.  Rick and I slept on some extra blankets because there weren't any sheets on the bed. 

This morning we found the sheets!!  We thought this one closet was locked. It's actually just very hard to open. We also found a bike lock so we could move the 3 bikes outside so Dan and Andrew have more room. They are staying in a porch that was converted into a bedroom. Rick and I have the bedroom and Matthew slept on an air mattress and Sam slept on the sofa. 

When we got there, I walked through the condo, and saw the back door wide open!  I said, "Rick?"  A man comes out of a closet and says, "How did you get in here?"  I asked him the same. Lol. Found out he was the maintenance man. Whew!

Here is a picture of a perfect ending to a perfect first day. 
