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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My how time flies!

I had a title for this post, but when I went to post on it, a while back, it wouldn't let me.  :)  So, here it is working, today.

I think we were having router troubles, and not even knowing it!  My hubby tried to get the Wii to update, but it wouldn't work.  So, he called Nintendo, and almost 2 hours later, it still wouldn't work! They suggested it was the internet, and to take it to someone's house who didn't have our internet provider.  He then called our internet provider, and they claimed it wasn't them.  Took the Wii to my parents house, and the updates worked!  Came home, and it still wouldn't work here.  Called the internet provider again, this time they said it must be the router.  Got a new router, and it is working great!!  I can even upload a video clip to my Facebook page, rather quickly!  Before--it would take all night, or many hours--for a 30 second clip!!!  I don't remember what all else we noticed that since we got the new router, it works!

Why is it, when a product says it installs easy--it usually doesn't??  It took us a bit to get the new router up and running, but now it works very nicely!

Becca flew out to Chicago on October 23rd, for a Journey to the Heart.  This was her first time flying!  She will fly back on this Tuesday.  Can you believe I got round trip tickets cheaper than I could have driven her back and forth 2 times??  Especially when you count in the gas and food money.  Not to mention my sanity!!!  I asked her if she would like to fly, and she said that was a nightmare for her!  She said she thought planes went down a lot, we did have a nice chat about that.  Then, I told her that she would be way safer in a plane on the return trip, because otherwise, it would be me driving through Chicago to pick her up!  (my hubby works the polls that day)  She wanted to fly, after she found that out--ha ha!

Let's see if I can run through some of my last week--aside from school every day, we also added in a surprise birthday party for our oldest son, Joshua.  Can you believe he is 27????  Someone in the church reminds us--that in 3 years--Josh will be the age we were when we moved here.  Wow!

Tuesday night, we went out to eat with a couple from the church.  I guess my hubby had said we would take them out to eat, and quite some time had passed.  We went to A & W, and it was ok.  I should have gotten a hamburger, instead of the broasted chicken.

Thursday, we went to my parents house at noon, for a meal.  She is so sweet to cook for all of us.

Friday night, I had my parents over to our house for a belated birthday meal.  I had wanted to do it on Mom's birthday, but Dad took Mom out for the day.  This worked out really nice, as she got 2 days of celebrating--well, maybe a day and a half.  I made chicken roll ups, homemade croissants, mashed potatoes, gravy, parsleyed carrots, and cherry cake.  Afterward, we played Mexican Train.

I have gotten all my windows, inside and out, washed.  Then, it rained.  And did we have a wind storm!!  They say that if we were living in hurricane country, it would have been a class 3 storm!  I did rewash my living room area windows, inside and out.  I can't believe how bad the rain streaked them.

Well, I guess I should close this off.  Thanks for listening!

Monday, August 30, 2010

The count continues. . .

I have 2 teens in braces, as of today.  Becca has had braces only on the bottom teeth, she wears the palate adjuster on the top, to stretch out the mouth, before they can put the braces on the top.  We took Dan in today, just expecting they would do the preliminary work.  He came home with the braces on all his teeth (he has more room in his mouth than Becca does).  We were shocked they did it all today.  His mouth is a bit sore.  He has a cool neon green on his, and Becca has pink.

3 is the number of bee stings I have gotten so far this summer.  Almost had a bunch more today.  Jon & I went to get some stuff out of an old van.  When he slid the van door open, we found out that some paper wasps had built their nest on the sliding door.  They came out hopping mad and buzzing all around.  I was so glad I didn't take Matthew with, as he was begging to go.  Jon and I stayed real still, and they buzzed around, and then left.  I was worried about closing the door again, but Jon got it done, and we took off out of there!  So, how did I get the 3 stings?  Well, the first 2 happened at one time--I was testing the pool, and putting chemicals in.  I wasn't looking down, and the bee got between my foot and the sandal, and when I walked, it stung--twice.   I can understand that one.  It's the 3rd one that has me confused.  We were laying on some recliners in the pool one day.  All of a sudden, I got stung on the inside arch of my foot.  Not sure if I subconsciously felt it on my foot, and jumped, or used the other foot to brush it off.  Still kind of fuzzy.  All I know is, it hurt!!  And I sat up quickly, which made my float kind of sink.  I was screaming, and Rick & Dan were laughing--thinking that my float got a hole, and I was just sinking, as they didn't know I had been stung.

Well, enough counting for today.  I need to go to bed.  OK.  One more count--25--that is the minutes it is past my bedtime. 

Oh, and 1 cute thing.  I couldn't resist another count!  Matthew was singing the "Countdown Song" for children.  You know the old time one "Somewhere in outer space, God has prepared a place".  Except, Matthew sings it "God has repaired a place."  Ha, ha

Good night!

99 cents a pound is not a good deal for grapes!

. . .Especially when you get the whole big bunch home, and find out they are horribly SOUR!!!!  Major pucker power!!  I have seen people eat a grape in the store, and always thought it would be stealing. Is eating 1 grape stealing, or not??  I surely don't like getting 5 pounds of sour grapes home!!!  I think I will freeze them, and then sugar them.  Otherwise, what do you do with them??

I've been cleaning like crazy today.  So, I thought I would sit down and give myself some reward time on the computer.  Yeah!

Jon's car did break down. I guess it was the head gasket--major expense.  So, he ended up buying another car really cheap.  Sold the old car to the mechanic for a couple hundred.  2 days later, the newer car died!!  Seriously!  I guess it was an air filter needed to be changed, and it needed a tune up, and fuel filter.  Running fine now, but he might need the fuel pump changed.

Well, I need to get back to work.


It seems to me I had a whole list of things I had been counting.  Right now, I can only think of a couple.  The buds on my fabulous rose bush!!  I had 87 roses on that bush, for the first flowering of this year.  Then, it went dormant for a bit, and now it is loaded again (I haven't counted them as of yet).

3 days until the dog gets fixed!!  No more heat cycles for her, or stressing for me!

7 days till our school year starts.  I am not ready!

A whole bunch of gallons of water that Sam has drank from the pool (I can't count those gallons!)  Sam has learned a bit how to swim.  This coming from the guy who can't stand to have water on his hair or face whilst taking a bath.  He loves to dunk himself in the pool!!  I'm so amazed at how much he enjoyed the pool.  Normally, when we go to a motel, he freaks out in the pool area, and I have to have him double protected (floatie swim suit, and an inflatable bucket seat).

Many laughs with Sam.  He learned how to pedal a bike!  He is also pretty good at riding the scooter, until he took the spill on the road, and scraped his face, both elbows, and both knees.  That's not the funny part--what is funny, is still wanting sympathy over the boo boos (still, even though you can't see them any more).  Also, last week, he was helping me remove the husks from some corn.  He was so patient, and at long last, got it down to the corn, to which he replied, "MOM!!!  It corn!!!"  I'm not sure what he thought he was doing, as I had a whole pile of corn on the cob between him & myself!  He did 3 ears for me--I'll take the help!!

After that, he looked over at the dog, who was panting very heavily.  If you are unfamiliar with a child with Down's, you might not know that there is a lot of work involved in training them to keep their oversized tongue in their mouth.  I used to have to push his tongue in his mouth, and remind him (Sam, put your tongue in your mouth).  Now, I don't have to push the tongue in his mouth, just give him a gentle reminder (Sam-tongue).  He is getting really good about it, now, and only does it when he is concentrating very hard at something.  Back to the dog.  So, she is there panting, and her tongue is hanging wayyyy down!  Sam goes over to her, and shoves that big, long tongue, back into her mouth!  It worked for a few seconds, and it was back out, to which, he patiently pushed it all back in.  :D  Love his patience and persistence! 

We've had some tough times recently, and sure do appreciate the prayers, and emails we have received.  Still not through the woods.  When I'm counting my blessings, you are on my list!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ouch, a sunburn hurts!

Well, I spent way too much time in the pool yesterday, and I am now paying for it.  :-(   It was very relaxing, though!!

We have been having VBS this week.  Instead of doing arts/crafts, we do sports.  The children have a choice between flag football, or soccer for the 4 to 11 year olds, and volleyball for the 12 on up range.  It has been a nasty week, weather wise.  God-wise---it has been great!!!  I think every night, we have had conversions from non-churched kids!!  We now have 50 kids registered, and they are such a great group!!  We go from 6 to 9 every night.  My hopes were to get the kids checked in, and then come home.  Those were my hopes--reality is, I register them, and then head to the kitchen to get the water and gatorade, and snacks prepared.  But, last night, I was able to leave at 7:30.  I came home, and hopped in the pool--it was so relaxing!!!  Ah!  My fabulous neighbor has been helping me out this week, as well, and she came over, and joined me in the pool, as it was so hot and humid. 

When I got back inside, I found my hubby had called, they were all trying to find the take home papers!  I guess everything went awry (I must hold it all together, huh??).  I texted dh, and told him that I left the papers with the rally leader.  They did finally find the papers, AFTER all the children left. 

Tonight, I will have to stay the whole time, and wear many hats in doing so--registration lady, snack lady, photographer, and nurse, to name a few. 

Our dog is great.  All she does is lay there, and she loves to be petted.  2 days after we got her, she went into heat.  :-(  SERIOUSLY??????   I was so upset, as I was going to have her fixed right away.  So, now we wait.

I am trying a new recipe tonight.  It is called "Crock Pot Gyros".  We love Gyros!!  Hope it tastes good!!

Jon's car has broke down (we think it is serious), and my hubby had to run him into work yesterday and today.  We are still waiting on a verdict on his car.

That's all the news for now.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Well, we did it!!

Well, we went and got a dog! I'm not sure on her age (they thought 5 or 6 years old). She's really quiet--the only time she barked was when we took her outside, she saw Sam in the house, and she wanted to come in. She's a very gentle dog (borders on the lazy side!!) She is fat, too. So, is she fat because she's lazy? Or, is she lazy because she's fat??

Andrew has been taking her for walks, and she seems to enjoy it. She is getting spoiled rotten!! The boys feed her by hand, and bring her food and water dishes to her.

She could be missing her other home, and they also had 3 other dogs. Maybe she's just homesick. Or, she's just mellow. I wouldn't have gotten any of the other dogs, as they were horrible!! They jumped all over Sam, kept trying to knock him down, and he was so scared!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I know why I don't take the boys grocery shopping!

Now I know why I don't take the boys shopping with me--I spend WAY too much when they are with. Mom, how about this, how about that? Aside from buying some junk type stuff, I also bought lots of fruits, so that's not so bad, right?? I'm going for mom of the year! Ha, ha!

On the way to the store, Sam was in the back, saying, "Mom--buddies???" Yes, Sam, we are buddies. Are you my buddy?? He answers in the affirmative, and then says, "Mom---Shake???" He loves a chocolate shake.

Then, shortly after that, a little hot rod red car passed us. Sam got all excited, "MOM!!!!! McQueen!!!!" (as in Lightening McQueen in "Cars") It wasn't but he sure thought it was.

Did you know I'm going to be a grandma again?? Siah & Sarah are having baby #2. Jeremiah will turn 1 on January 5th. The new baby is due January 23rd. Exciting times!!

Well, I am going to close off for now. Oh, and yes, Sam did get his chocolate shake. ;)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Many firsts for me

So much has been happening! I have been doing some things I thought I would never do.

First of all, I got a fishing license! I don't like to eat fish, so I never fished. We were going out in our pedal boat with some friends, and I decided to get a license, so I could fish, too (everybody else would be fishing). I caught the first fish. ;)

I also wore my first pair of capris!! I had talked to dh, about going in the pedal boat (the gals would be pedaling, and the guys would be trolling in the back of the boat) It's not exactly modest to be wearing a skirt, pedaling. So, I got some capris. Honestly, wearing them for the first time, I felt naked. I got a tan line from where the capris ended. I was the smart one, and was feeling the hot sun, and decided after a while to put on some sun block. I was telling the rest of them, they should put on the sun block, too, but they wouldn't listen. So, I got the nice tan, they got a nice burn.

We got a dog! I should have named the post "Here today, gone. . .Today!" The dog ran away about 10 minutes after we got him home. The boys couldn't believe I actually gave in, and got a dog. He was a little Yorkie. The boys loved on him, and held him. Then, we put him down, and let him explore his new home. He needed to do his business, so we took him outside, and he did the business, and took off like a rocket. We searched for 2 hours that night, and again the following day. No sign of doggie. We have now named him "Bolt", because that is what he does.

Jon, Becca and Dan are all up at Bible Camp this week. This is so weird--I only have Andrew, Sam and Matthew home.

On Monday, we did a bunch of church work--not too fun for the boys. However, we did get to eat out at Pete's Pizza for lunch, and Sonic for supper. I don't think they were complaining about the church stuff after that! We have 39 children signed up for Sports Camp (VBS) this year. Lots of new children! I ordered 50 shirts, and we picked up the iron on transfers (Josiah & Sarah are making the design for the shirts). We changed the church sign, to announce the Sports Camp, and I also worked on the church calendar. How's that for busy??

We are enjoying our pool! However, they are a lot of work! Every time I am in the pool, I am skimming it. Even though we have a lot of trees gone in the back yard, we still get pine needles and leaves in the pool. But, because the trees are gone, this is the warmest the pool has EVER been!! Then, it rains, and cools it down a bit. I might have gotten too much sun on my back yesterday, though. Should have used the sun screen. I was even vacuuming the pool out, and cleaning the filter. Yes, the pools are a lot of work! Add to that, the testing of the water, and adding chemicals. But, I have been enjoying it.

Ben is coming home for a visit!!!!! He will come home the night of August 6 and leaves the morning of the 9th! It will be good to have him home. We are trying to plan out what to do while he is here--he wants to go fishing, and he wants to grill out.

Well, I should go. Still need to come up with some sports drills for the children to work on (for the VBS).

Saturday, July 17, 2010

So tired. . .

I really need to discipline myself to get to bed earlier. Right now, I am dragging. Plus a headache. I so want to go take a nap. But, we are having nasty weather. We have had nasty weather a lot this week! 3 storms on Wednesday, then on Friday, and again today.

So, back to the nap. I crawled in bed, and Andrew comes in, and says, "You can't take a nap!!!" He doesn't care for the tornado watches/warnings. Then, he is begging me to take us all to Madison. (Aside from the fact that he adores Ben, who lives down there, he also checked, and found out they aren't having the tornado watches.) I told him that I wasn't going to drive through this weather to get down to Ben's, and--Ben isn't there today, he's in Milwaukee video taping a wedding. He still tells me I can't take a nap, and what if a tornado comes?? I told him, that if I go during a nap, I won't know what hit me.

Had a busy day today. Went to the last graduation party for this year, and then over to a benefit to a relation of someone that goes to our church.

Need to get ready for church tomorrow.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Catch up

Well, it seems that I have been too busy to post on here. Not too much has been happening. I found out that if you are going to set an alarm, you really need to check the time on the clock, first. Either you will be late, or very early. I was up very early. I wanted to get up at 4:40, so I could babysit. I ended up getting up at 3:40. That day dragged on. . .

I have been battling an ear infection. Not fun!! If any of you wonder why small children cry when they have one, I will tell you--they hurt! I had lost the hearing in my good ear, and they put me on strong antibiotics, to cure the ear infection. Right now, I am hearing at about 75%--which is better than it was a couple days ago. Conversations around the house have been interesting!!

We bought a small pool, and I am trying new chemicals for it. We shall see how it goes. Thought I'd put a picture on here of Sam. He got himself dressed in his swimsuit. ;) So, here is the latest in swimwear fashion.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I forgot to mention on the 4th, we also did go to see the fireworks! I also found out I am the worst mother in history, as I "broke tradition"!!! I didn't know that I "always buy sparklers, and stuff for s'mores". Well, this year I didn't. The child who said that I broke tradition, said that it didn't feel like the 4th without it, and that they didn't want to go see the fireworks. The child opted to go see the fireworks. His options were 1) see the fireworks, and have fun, or 2) stay home and go directly to bed. :D He chose the first option.

I was a good mother, and made up a bunch of popcorn to take along, as well as caramel popcorn.

Knapp does put on a very nice show, for it being a little town. And, I enjoy the closeness!

On the way home, one of the cars in front of us hit a family of 3 skunks. Whew!! We missed them, but Jon was behind us, and he thought his car was higher off the ground.

Off to study my lesson. Have a wonderful day!


Well, let's see. A lot has happened since I last wrote. We got our lawn mower back, and it has worked one time (haven't tried it after that--so this week's mowing will tell for sure). I helped mow, we had both mowers going, the rider and the push mower. I learned a lesson. Don't wear fairly new shoes while push mowing. I have worn the shoes to church, but apparently, I didn't walk in them much. So, I got a blister, so I kicked them off. Now, I know you are not supposed to do that, and I am all for showing safety first to my children. I guess it should have been my cue to quit mowing. I'm a slow learner. So, dh wasn't too happy that I was mowing barefoot. I know I shouldn't have, but that meant shutting off the mower, and I can't restart it by myself. It also meant putting a shoe on an already burst blister. I was careful, though, and only got very green feet. The good news is--I got to soak my feet afterwards. :)

Sunday was filled with church, and then most of the family came over. My sister, brother-in-law, and their family came over, as well as my parents, and Siah & Sarah. Dad is weak, but we all enjoyed having him over. We grilled out brats & dogs, and had some wonderful salads and desserts.

I thought everyone would stay later, and I also had planned a smoked chicken & cheesy hash brown potatoes. I tried a new recipe for the smoked chicken, and it was delish!

Yesterday, we celebrated Siah's birthday. I guess I didn't hear the infomercial on not telling the crew at Los Cabos that it was Siah's birthday. So, I told our waitress, and she brought Siah a fried ice cream--along with a whole bunch of others, singing, and playing guitars. They put a huge Mexican hat on Siah, and at the end of the song, smeared whipped cream on his face. I felt bad--I had no clue they would put the whipped cream on his face. But, it was all fun. Wish I had my camera with. Some of the others got pictures with their cell phones. We had a nice group of us there--Siah & Sarah & Jeremiah, Josh & Brittany, Jon, Rick and myself.

Oh, I should explain why I didn't hear the statement to not tell about Siah's birthday. I can not hear much out of my left ear, and now my right ear is really plugged up. I miss a lot of the conversations.

After Los Cabos, Siah & Sarah, Jon, Rick and I went bowling. And, we had an unexpected blessing, that it was only $1 to rent shoes, and $1 per game!! I think the cheapness of the night reflected on my game--ha ha! We also found out that on Thursday nights, rental and game are only 50 cents! It's been so long since we've been bowling, my husband has his own ball & carry bag, we couldn't get the zipper to open!!! So, he was knocked down to our level, and had to use one of the lanes balls. He didn't bowl his normal great game.

My hubby is a Jerry Lewis fan. He found a website that will email you when a favorite movie is on. So, he put in a Jerry Lewis movie, and it's been telling him that it is on tonight at 5, and on which channel. Already have it set up to tape. I'm a good wife. ;)

I need to get going. Have to study my lesson for tonight's ladies meeting. We are starting a new study book, Crazy Love.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Matthew & Andrew cutting a log

Here they are, during intermission, cutting the log, with help. They got a certificate, and later got it autographed, along with a chunk of wood.

Pole climbing

Here are the 2 young guys climbing the 60 foot poles. Our team won!

Apparently my pictures are too big

Ok, So, I will post the pictures one at a time. . . Here is a picture of the log rolling.

Lumberjack Show

Today, we took the day to go to the Lumberjack show in Hayward. It was a wonderful time! We had so much fun, and had beautiful weather to go. I think our favorites were the log rolling, and also when the men ran up the 60 foot poles. During the intermission, they had the children come up, and got to use the 2 handled saw (with help, of course!) So, Andrew & Matthew got in on the action, too. They also got a certificate, as well, as after the show, they could come up and get the autographs on the certificate, or a wood chip.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My beautiful white rose bush

This beautiful rose bush is LOADED with blooms & blossoms. I have cut so many already, to enjoy in the house, as well. They have a real nice, light scent.

The grass around it is rather long. Can you believe the lawn mower is in the shop for the 3rd time this year?? We got tired of taking it in to incompetent repairmen, and took it in to the John Deere dealership, even though it's not a John Deere lawn tractor. The other repairmen would "fix" it, and it would mow 1 time, and then break. And, I'm not sure which one--hooked a spring right across the belt! When it comes back home, I am going to take pictures of the underneath, so I know how/where things are supposed to go. It needs a new spindle, but it is on back-order.

Not much else happening around here.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Book (DVD) Review

First of all, let me say that I received this DVD, "Who is in Charge Anyway?", by Max Lucado, free from Thomas Nelson's publishers, as part of their book review blogger's program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255, "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

There—with that said, here is my honest review. It is a sweet story about how God cares for everyone. When Freddie hears Hailey and Bailey ask their mother what is special about fleas, Freddie decides it is time to have a talk with God. The DVD shows flashbacks of other garden characters in their youth, and Freddie learns that God did not make anyone by accident, and that God is not finished with us, yet. It features the voice talents of Tim Conway as “Hermie”, and Sam Mercurio. This lesson is based on Psalm 90:16. The actual DVD runs about 30 minutes, plus has bonus features that are fun, too!

We really enjoyed watching this DVD! Although I am familiar with Max Lucado’s books, this is the first time we have been introduced to Hermie and his friends. We (mom, and 2 boys--one age 7, and one age 9 –with Down Syndrome) started watching the DVD, and pretty soon, 2 other older boys joined in, and we were all laughing! It teaches a wonderful lesson, that God has a special plan for each of us, and He can use us in different ways—even if it’s just telling others about God’s love for us.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I have the coolest neighbor ever!

Just have to tell you what a wonderful neighbor I have! She is having a huge birthday celebration for her little boy, and grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc., are all coming. So, in the midst of all this--what does she do?? Stops over to my house, and drops off a cake she made. Isn't she the sweetest??

She did that one other time, last year--when she was expecting her 2nd baby. I told her, it should be me bringing food to her, not the other way around!

It is really great to have nice neighbors!! It hasn't always been so.

We had another wild night on Thursday night! The police went down our road, stopped at the old church, and got out with search lights. I had let Jon & some of the others run to Kwik Trip, as they HAD to have a pizza. Well, Jon was pulled over by the police, as they were looking for someone. Gave him a bit of a scare. It does unnerve you, when it is at night, and you wonder who they are looking for, and why!

We are enjoying the much cooler weather. It does look like it might rain. But, this is nice.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My silly humor

We were driving along, through No Man's Land (aka South Dakota), and Andrew says, "I'm hungry! What are we going to eat??" Out comes my camera, and I snap a picture of the emptiness, and reply, "Do you see any place to stop and get a bite to eat??" He looks out the window, and says no.

About 1/2 hour later, he says the same thing about being hungry. I see the cows. I told him he could shoot a cow, and cook it, but because it was still raining, it would be hard to get a fire going. Or, he could get out and milk a cow and drink warm milk. He didn't think so. :)

Btw, I am not advocating stealing, nor shooting another man's animal. After you have heard the phrase, "I'm hungry" so many times, and there is nothing to eat and nowhere to stop, and everyone is sick and tired of being in the car--very literally SICK and tired, you come up with some weird thinking.

Badland Pictures

Devil's Tower & Needles Highway pictures

I'm back

Well, I think it's about time I update my blog, don't you?

The time out in South Dakota was trying. Long trip out there, on very little sleep (I had 4 hours of sleep the night before we left). Took off at 5 AM. The a/c went out on the truck, even though my sweet dh had it in to make sure it was running perfectly. But, thankfully, we didn't need it the rest of the trip, as it was only 57 degrees! Had the windows rolled up, and the heat on.

Finally got out to SD, and I had a meltdown. I shouldn't make excuses, over how tired I was, Matthew wasn't feeling the greatest, etc. So, I had a meltdown, and told everyone to pack up, we were headed home. My hubby looked at me like I had lost my mind, and I probably had. We had a nice talk, then, we got the family together and worked through it all. Had a nice time after that.

We watched the Ken Davis DVD, and we all had a really great laugh. He talks about an accident he had in his car, and after that, weird things happened. Like, every time he would open the car door, the locks would engage, and he couldn't get out of the car. So, on Tuesday--I'm in the bathroom, and when I turn the knob to come out--the knob turns, but it won't open the door!! I'm pounding on the door--yelling, "Somebody get me out of here!" Dan finally comes, and asks what he can do. He got me a knife, and I was able to get out. Took the knob off (in case one of the little boys went in there), and bought a new knob.

We got to see a lot of beautiful scenery. I have never seen the Badlands in the rain. Got a beautiful picture of a rainbow there. Saw some bison, had the exhaust system break. The truck sounds like a really cool Harley. Dh is worried we are going to get a ticket for it, as it is really noisy. We have an appointment for it to get fixed tomorrow.

Matthew was very sick, so he missed traveling around Devil's Tower. Needles Highway was beautiful. We also went to Hot Springs to Evan's Plunge. It wasn't as warm as I remembered it.

I'm glad to be home.

Now, we are dealing with some health issues with my dad. Trying to get him feeling better. We will find out today what is going on.

I need to run, and get some groceries later. Also have to shop for the Father's Day gifts for the dads in the church. Yes, it will be "Dad's" rootbeer for each of the men.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Lilac Bushes

The bush on the left has always been in that spot. The
bush on the right was just transplanted. I am hoping
the little one will do as well as the bigger one.
I received them both 3 years ago, same size. The
one on the left has done very well.

Picture of Matthew riding his 2 wheeled bike

Ben, Matthew's two wheel riding, and lilac bushes

Here are some pictures that I took when Ben was here. And a picture of Ben and myself.

I was working last week on some bikes. Anybody else hate working on bikes?? I worked on 4 of them. 2 are working really well. 1--I wish I had been more observant, and noticed that it had been run over, and the front tire was bent (seriously--I didn't see it!!! I was so focused on fixing the chain, and taking off the training wheels) Andrew's bike still needs a part, as the chain keeps falling off. But, 1/2 isn't bad, is it? So, I got a bike rigged up for Matthew, and told him he was going to ride without training wheels. He was a bit nervous, got on the bike, I gave him a push, and he took off! He hasn't fallen, yet!! He really enjoys riding a 2 wheeled bike.

Also, I recently replanted one of my lilac bushes. I received 2 lilac bushes 3 years ago, they were the same height, etc. I planted one up by the house, which has done VERY well. And another in another part of the yard, and that one didn't do so well. So, I moved the little lilac bush up by the other one, and am hoping that it does as well as the bigger one. You can see the difference. :)

I'm having a restful day. Cleaned up the carpet where some orange pop was spilled--didn't come all the way out, but hopefully it will wear out. Also shampooed the hallway and one of the boy's bedrooms, and some spots in my bedroom.

Also doing laundry. Oh, and I went to put away my hard floor scrubber, and saw that it still had some solution in it, so decided to use that up. :)

Taking it easy for supper tonight--making tacos. Need to freeze up a bunch of that leftover taco meat.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Some family at the grad party

Last picture of the grad party.

Surprise visitors

I am having troubles posting more than 1 photo, so I will have to go 1 photo at a time. Let's just say, I won't be putting many on.

Here is a picture of my husband, and my husband's aunt and uncle (his mother's brother) and Jon.

Jon's Grad Party

Here is Jon with his cake.

It was so nice of all the people to come and visit us on the rainy grad party. But, even though it rained, we had a very nice time, and actually had room enough for everyone. Thankfully, they didn't all come at once.

We had a surprise visit from my husband's uncle and aunt (that is his mother's brother). It was so nice for everyone to come and wish Jon well.

Bon fire on Memorial Day

Here are the pictures from Memorial Day

Memorial Day

I am having troubles posting these pictures.

Siah & Sarah & Jeremiah came over for Memorial day. We also invited our neighbor for a cookout.

Here is Jeremiah wanting to eat Sarah's cheeseburger.

Later, we took out the pedal boat and canoe, and the boys went fishing. I don't like fishing poles. Why do the lines always tangle inside the reel?? Here is Andrew with his nice sized pan fish.

A 14 year old's birthday (belated)

Here is Dan on his 14th Birthday. Lemon Pudding Poke Cake, in case you are wondering.

A 7 year old's Birthday (belated)

I just realized I didn't post any pictures of the May birthdays. Here is Matthew & his famous Candy Land Cake. This year's cake didn't turn out as good as it has in the past. I'm probably tired of making the same thing year after year.

My Kodak Moment

Here is a picture of Sam by the washing machine, watching Tigger. Sorry the quality is so poor, but it's in a dim hallway, at night.

Tigger's Tale

Sam loves Tigger. But, he's been forgetting Tigger at church. He has a few Tiggers, but only 1 special one (he's kind of floppy). Well, 2 weeks ago, he left Tigger at church, and kept begging to go back to get him. Well, he talked his dad into going back to church to get him, and he was so excited! He pretended to call Tigger on the phone, and said, "Tigger, I'm comin' "

Well, this last Wednesday, he forgot Tigger again. The crazy thing is, no one remembered him bringing him! So, he was asking to get him. Thursday was so busy--trying to get ready for the grad party, getting food, etc. We told Sam we would get Tigger later. Well, while hubby & I were out shopping, Sam decided to take his bike off to church to go get Tigger. Becca caught him down by the stop sign! When I got home later, Sam was still mad at Becca for stopping him.

Friday dad & Sam went to church to get Tigger. But, Tigger was nowhere to be found. Sam came home so dejected.

During the grad party, Della (who teaches the kids club), was talking about Sam & Tigger, and said she knew where Tigger was!! Some girls cleaned up a room, and threw Tigger into a cabinet. She left the party, and went to go get Tigger for Sam. He was so excited!! He hugged and kissed Tigger all night! Well, his hugging and kissing went on, even after Sam ate chocolate pudding. :( So, I had to put Tigger in the washing machine. Sam sat right in front of the washing machine, and watched Tigger go round and round. Then, it was time for Sam to go to bed, and Tigger had to go in the dryer. When Sam got up this morning, Tigger was right beside his pillow.

And, yes, I got the Kodak moment of Sam by the washing machine.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

1/2 Way done!

Well, we just had our 5th graduation party. 5 more to go (of ours). Everyone is gone, the house is cleaned, and I am relaxing. Got my tired, sore feet up. :)

We got some tables and chairs from church, and weren't sure if we were going to put them up outside or not, as it was supposed to rain tonight. Well, the weatherman was wrong (imagine that!!) The party started at 1--we put the tables out at noon. Sure enough, it started to rain. We brought 2 of the tables in from outside--moved some furniture around in the den, and put the 2 tables in there. Had a very nice time visiting with everyone. Jon had tacos for his meal, and it worked out really good. My husband's uncle & aunt came! It was nice to see them.

The rain stayed, until the party was done, and we got everything cleaned up. Now, it is nice and sunny. We cooked out burgers on the grill--nice, easy meal, as we both didn't feel like cooking much.

The older ones are all gone out, and it is just dh, myself, and the 3 youngest.

I made a copycat version of Outback Steakhouse potato soup the other day, and it was yummy!! My hubby was so happy, as it is his favorite soup at Outback. Since the Outback in Eau Claire closed, he doesn't get that soup. We like Texas Roadhouse, but they don't have soup--just chili.

Well, I should go get the little boys in the tub, and then crawl in bed.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

No Regrets

If you know me, you might know that I want to live my life with "No regrets". I heard that Bill Borden, at three different times in his life, had 3 mottoes: No reserves, No retreats, No regrets. Wouldn't it be fabulous to not have any regrets?? Ah, but in going through the house, getting ready for the big Day (graduation party), I do have a couple regrets. My pictures are a MESS!! Miss "R in the South", could you please come up here and help me get this mess situated???? I have drawers full of packages of developed pictures. (hey--at least I took pictures!! I have heard people say that the more children you have the less pictures they took of the younger ones--not true here!) I used to have it all together, but not any more. I need to do something with the pictures.

Hey--My sister does scrapbooking--maybe I'll throw it all her way, and beg her to do something about it! (Sondra, if you are reading this--please don't faint over the enormity of it all)

Pet peeves--I can not stand to go to a store, and have the clerk not be able to count change. I went to the dollar store the other day, to pick up some stuff, and remembered I had taken all the green out of the wallet. I was left with just change. So, I only had 1 quarter, and the rest dimes and nickels. I gave her the dollar plus tax. She could not count it!! She counted each of the nickels, as though they were a dime! She got over $1.15, and said, "Whatever!" and threw the money in the till. According to the receipt--I was supposed to get back change!!!

My house is all spiffy. Got the carpets shampooed, vinyl floors scrubbed. Sure hope it doesn't rain, as I don't know where we would put everyone.

Ben comes home tonight!! I'm so excited!! He will be able to stay until Sunday night, as his classes start back up on Monday. In honor of his return, we made cookies yesterday. Want to make another batch today.

We are going to a wedding in South Dakota next week! I am looking forward to going away for a bit. Josh & Brittany, Siah & Sarah & Jeremiah all get to go, too! We will all be staying in a house together. We got to talking, that some of our younger children have never seen Devil's Tower, Needles Highway, Custer State Park, etc. So, because we will be right in that area, we will probably throw in that trip, too.

For the big graduation party--Jon picked tacos. I think each child's food has been different. I let them pick what meal they want served. Forgot to ask Sarah to make a cake--I have been so forgetful! So, I had to hurry up and order a cake from Wal-Mart. Glad they take last minute orders.

We had a lovely Memorial Day. Siah & Sarah & Jeremiah came, plus we invited our neighbor. Had a nice cookout, and just a really relaxing day. That evening, we took out the pedal boat, and canoe. Sam had been asking for "fishing" for quite a while. Yes, they went fishing, and caught some nice sized pan fish. We came back home, and used our new fire pit for the first time. Had some s'mores. I still feel like I have wood ticks crawling on me. Can't stand those things!! And there have been so many of them this year! Sam had 3 on him, one day last week.

Tuesday, we went to my parents to celebrate my Dad's birthday. We got him a blueberry bush (Dad loves blueberries), and a Russel Lupine plant. Even got them planted for him. In turn, Dad gave me a rose bush. I planted that in my front yard, and even got the courage to move one of my lilac bushes. I got 2 lilac bushes one year--they were the same size. Planted one by the house, and the other out by the road. The one by the house is maybe 7 feet tall. The one by the road has only grown a couple inches. What it lacked in top height, it must have grown below the surface--the roots went deep. So, now it is moved up by the other lilac bush. Hope it does as well, and that I didn't kill it. :)

Well, I should get going. Need to make a list of all the things I need.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Busy, busy day

I have had a very busy day. Love that Murphy's Oil soap!! Scrubbed down all my kitchen cabinets, and I do have a lot!! Washed down all the wood doors with it, too. Also dusted and washed the ceiling fan blades. Scrubbed the kitchen and dining room floors (and I even got down and scrubbed the kick boards). Dh, Dan, and I put together the trampoline & net. It is wonderful!! The children have been jumping on it, and enjoying it, and I have a peace of mind, knowing they can't fall off it.

Now, if I can just get out of bed tomorrow morning without hurting!

Our old church building, that we just sold a month ago, has been having some activity there on the weekends. We hear lots of hammering. They still aren't moved in there, and won't be, until they get some stuff done in there. They did move out some pews. The outside of it is stained brown (we used to love singing "The little Brown Church in the Vale") But, in one corner of it, it looks like they bleached it--rather sporadically, in sweeping motions, not complete. Hmm, what are they doing??

Well, I should get going. Need to get to church. Hope I don't moan too loudly during his teaching. :-)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Oh, how I've missed you!

Dear computer,
I have totally missed you this weekend! I have been way too busy!!! Friday was a dud. Water problems galore! Here is how it went:

I got up thinking I would get so much done. Knew that the instant hot dispenser was leaking, and needed a new one. Got it the night before. Was going to install it, but looked outside, and decided to mow the lawn, as storm clouds were rolling in. I do not mow the lawn. :) And, if any of you had driven past--you would have wondered what on earth I was doing, as going around all those trees in my front yard--I had no rhyme nor reason for my method. I got the mowing deck stuck a multitude of times on the tree trunks--I try to get too close, I guess. So, I even learned how to back up! Found out you have to shut off the mowing mechanism first, or sparks fly. I don't know if that's normal. And, can you tell me why the mower has to die while I am stuck under a tree branch?? If you know me--I don't do bugs! And, here the mower died (I think it needed more gas) I'm crouched down under the branch, trying to start the thing, thinking of bugs, and wood ticks crawling onto me. I did have a bug on my shoulder, and I just about jumped off the mower while it was riding. Anyhow, I got it done, but I'm sure glad you can't see my exact path.

Went to install the new instant hot dispenser. We bought the same kind, just a smaller model. Found out when they built this house, they built it around my instant hot dispenser. LOL So, because dh and I are plumbing challenged, and didn't want to tackle ripping out pipes, we took the smaller one back, and got the bigger one (like we have).

My dh had been down under the kitchen sink, trying to get the old one out. Well, we have an elbow that tends to disconnect. Poor dh was under there, when the elbow came apart, and he got a facefull of dirty water. GROSS!! Then, to make matters worse, ditsy wife that I am, forgot the elbow was disconnected, and decided to cheer everybody up, and make supper. Ran water in said sink, and poor dh came out sputtering. I said, "Well, at least it is clean water." Oops!

Ok--so now--we have the new instant hot, and this was the only box left there--and it was opened. They assured us it would have all the parts. Ha! Missing the compression valve (I sound so knowledgeable, don't I??) It's the little doo hickey that hooks your little copper pipe to the water supply. So, it is 10:30 on a Friday night, we are all worn out, and dh declares, "Why do we get into projects that are WAY over our head??" We finally got it so we could have running water! Up till this point, we had to shut the whole house water off, as under the kitchen sink was a leaky tap line.

When we got the water turned back on--we found out we had a leak in the water heater room. Let's just say, it was a pretty good leak--1 gallon every 4 hours.

Saturday was Dan's birthday. And we had a graduation party to go to. We also picked up the parts we needed that were missing from the box.

Got back home, and a man from our church said he would look at the water heater room and figure out the fix it for that. So, the men go to get more parts to fix that leak. I am under the sink, trying to install the faucet for the hot water dispenser, when I hear the door shut, and the next thing I hear is an angel, saying, "Hi, mom! Do you need some help??" Oh, boy, do I!! It was Josh, and he crawled up in there, and got that thing all fixed up. Totally installed my new hot water dispenser. Fixed the leaky tap valve, too!!!

The other men got back, and fixed the leak in the water heater room. I don't know what to do! We have running water--hot and cold!! And no leaks!!! And my instant hot dispenser is a dream!!!!! I have used it so many times already since we got it put back in. Every morning, Sam has instant hot oatmeal. It is also nice to make tea, pressed coffee, hot chocolate, jello, etc. It comes out almost boiling, at 200 degrees.

So, after that, we made egg rolls for Dan's birthday. Josh & Brittany helped wrap and roll, too, so it went rather quickly

Sunday, was busy with church, and Growing Kids Gods' Way in the afternoon, and then church again last night.

Today is hot!! We went from winter right into summer. It is 95 degrees, and very humid. Ok, all my southern & California friends, quit snickering! I don't handle the heat. And I don't do humid. Yes--the a/c is on!

Well, I should close off, and get some stuff done.
Oh, and as an update--my new name is Stacey. You can call me Spacey Stacey. It fits.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

First days of summer

I've been keeping busy! I took pictures yesterday of the children, which can be a big thing to do. I put up a backdrop behind the children. Pick out the little one's clothes, and iron them. Move furniture as necessary, etc. I did take some of the pictures outside, and they turned out really nice. Then, as I had sent them to Wal-Mart, (did I tell you I love the 1 hour online photo capability?) it asked if I wanted them posted on my blog page, as well as Face Book. Well, I did, but didn't realize that it was so that other people can purchase the pictures! So, I took that post off here. I don't want that option. I just thought it would post the pictures that I had taken.

I am moving a bit slowly. I did some cleaning, and got out the carpet shampooer. Did a little spot that was right next to the vinyl flooring. Well, I normally go around the house barefoot, and I was headed into the kitchen, and went across the wet spot, not thinking of wet feet, which was then slippery on the vinyl, and went right down. I don't know how babies do it, when they are learning to walk, because it sure jars a person, all the way up their spine. Not to mention the nice bruises. :(

Need to get the new trampoline up. I can't wait!

I also need to make out a weekly menu, and get after Dan to pick his birthday meals. :) I let the children pick out all 3 meals they want on their birthday. I also have no clue as to what to get the young man, who is way taller than his tall momma!

I am also waiting for Fedex to come deliver my bread Dough Enhancer today. I ordered 6 cans of it, and it is supposed to come today. I really like home made bread a lot better with the Dough Enhancer added. I have made homemade dough enhancer, but it isn't the same.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

This & that

Well, let's try to get you caught up in our lives.

Friday--I got to play in the dirt for a while (aka--planting). I planted some daffodils, dahlias, and some seeds in a planter. I also made bread! It has been so long since I have made bread, I'm not sure why I haven't. Now I realized why I have been so stressed--first of all, eating fresh, whole wheat bread has loads of the B vitamins in it, which is so vital for you when you are under stress. Secondly, when I make the bread dough, just working with the warm lumps of dough has a very calming effect for me. I can make 5 loaves of bread, from start to finish--from grinding the grain, to pulling 5 loaves out of the oven in an hour and a half.

Saturday was Matthew's 7th birthday. He started off with blueberry muffins. Oh, yes, my bad! I totally forgot to pick up some muffin mix (ok--I can make bread, but I had to buy muffin mix?? Well, if you knew how busy my day would be, you would understand). Thankfully, Rachel was out and about, and she picked up some muffin mixes for me. Lifesaver!! Otherwise, I would have gone down in the "way cool mom" department. Our plans were to leave at 11 to go to Chuck E. Cheese. At 10--Jon informs us that it is the annual town clean up day. We had been asking if they were doing it this year, and they didn't think so. I really needed to get some sofas & a fridge out of my garage! So, we hurried up, and got that down to the dumpster. We left for CEC at 11:30. Hit road construction and detours. Finally got there, and he enjoyed his time. Everyone donated their tickets to him, and he got some small prizes. Left from there to go to a graduation party. After that, home to make home made, from scratch, pot pies. Oh, and to finish decorating the Candy Land Cake. I was thankful to go to bed last night!

Today has been filled with church. After Sunday School, Church, we then had a potluck for the families going through "Growing Kids God's Way", and then I got to watch a baby while the parents went through the class. I never know what to make for potlucks. I know, the northerners, are big on meat balls in a crock pot (right R in the South??? ) Tonight, after the evening service, we will have afterglow, and I am bringing crackers and dip for a snack.

Speaking of which, I'd better get going on that dip.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Last day as a 6 year old

I love the day before a birthday. It is so much fun!! Tomorrow is Matthew's 7th birthday, so today will be filled with sayings like, "This is your last breakfast as a 6 year old", "The last playing outside as a 6 year old", etc. And my all time favorite, is tonight, before he goes to bed, and I pray with him, sing with him, and give him a good night kiss, it will be, "This is your last kiss as a 6 year old. When you wake up, you will be 7!"

Tomorrow starts it all over again. "This is your first breakfast as a 7 year old", "Your first kiss and hug as a 7 year old."

I went shopping yesterday, had to buy a ton of candy for the "Candy Land Cake". As the children were going through the bags, they saw all this candy and ask if they could have some. Nope--it's for the cake. I can't wait to see all this sugar coursing through their veins (read this sarcastically-ha, ha!)

The sun is out--and SHINING today!! Yippee!! Maybe it will warm up.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

You ate my chocolates?

It is still cold and rainy up here in the north. So ready for nice, warm weather! I have some irises that are hoping it will warm up, as they are staying covered, and not wanting to peek out, yet. We had much nicer weather back in March.

My backyard is really starting to green up. With some warm weather, we might have some nice grass back there.

Did I mention we really need some warm weather??

I'm cold! And, our furnace keeps kicking in--it is just so wrong! Yes, I know I could lower the temp in the house, but we are already battling colds/coughs.

We were gone, just for a bit to town. Got back, and I found out Sam ate the rest of my chocolates!! He wonders how I figured it was him--well, judging from the chocolate smeared all over his face, um, I guess it was you! I think he felt bad, but, yet, given the chance, I'm sure he'd do it all over again.

Matthew is planning his birthday meals. Sounds good, except he wants to go to Chuck E. Cheese. :) We like Tim Hawkins a lot! He has a song (can't remember which one it is), that says the parents want to burn down Chuck E. Cheese, which gets all the parents laughing. Matthew does not like Tim Hawkins because of this song.

I'm supposed to be making out a menu and list, so I can go shopping tomorrow, but here I sit, updating the blog. :)

We are hoping that this past week of Matthew's Mishaps, are not a precursor to his 7th year! Still can't believe my baby will be 7 (shh--don't tell him I called him the baby!)

Josh & Brittany came over last night for my birthday meal of Rotisserie Chicken & Penne Pasta. I even let them pick out the mushrooms. How nice of me, huh?

Well, I should get going on that menu. I've been looking at it, and it just isn't getting done by itself.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Boys are so different than girls!

Ok--aside from the obvious--boys are WAY different than girls. I don't think that girls usually try to give their mother a heart attack on Mother's day! Whereas, boys, on the other hand, don't mind. I thought for sure we would end up in ER. Great mother's day gift, huh?? Well, Matthew came in the house with a bruise on the chin. When asked how he got it, he replied that he was rather sore from sliding. How does that make the chin bruised you might ask?? Well, he was sliding on his stomach. Ok. FROM OFF THE ROOF OF THE JUNGLE GYM!!!!! Ok--excuse the shouting. Now you see why I almost had a heart attack. He climbed up to the top of the roof of the jungle gym. Slid down the roof on his stomach. Dropped about 5 feet, landed on the slide, and slid the rest of the way down. Now you can see my relief at why we weren't in ER on Mother's day. I am so grateful that all he got out of the ordeal was a bruised chin. Did I mention that he is now grounded for life??

Other than that episode, I had a really nice Mother's Day. Got to take a nap--which was a bonus! Maybe it wasn't a nap--maybe I fainted after I saw Matthew's new trick.

We had Josh & Brittany over, and enjoyed my all time favorite of bbq chicken.

This will be our last week of school, and then, I am home free!! Whatever will I do with all my time?? Anything I want!! First off, will be putting together the new trampoline & net. Although, after yesterday, I am seriously reconsidering if it was a wise purchase. :) Then, I need to get going on the graduation finishing touches.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I love flowers!! In fact, I have informed my family, that when I die, I do not want any flowers at my funeral--I want them while I am alive, so I can enjoy them.

Today, I got a delivery from ProFlowers! What a surprise!! They were a dozen roses from my sister and her family. Beautiful.

My dil, Sarah, sent me an email, and I had to laugh, because it is exactly how I feel. It says, "How many flowers end up at the funeral home, and how many flowers did the dead person enjoy while they were alive? I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I am here, than a whole truckload when I'm gone!"

The carnations are for the moms at church tomorrow. Shh! Don't tell them. :) Aren't they beautiful?? And, I've had the pleasure of enjoying them at home, till we take them tomorrow morning. There are 50 of them in the vase! Beautiful, huh?

Mrs. "Let it Snow" has her say. . .

Yes, around our house, I have been named, "Mrs. Let it Snow". I love the song!! But, you see, dear family--the song should only be sung during the WINTER--not in the spring! So, yes, I am very ready for spring--not 34 degree temps, like it was at 5 this morning, so the furnace had to kick in. Brrrrr.

I might have to rethink tomorrow's cookout. I love barbecue chicken on the grill. But, if it is going to be this cold, the chicken would take forever on the grill. Probably get frostbite. At least we didn't get the snow we were supposed to get.

I need to get some of the boys' hair cut today. No, not like Matthew's cut! Then, we need to do pictures. I really need to update the ones on the wall.

Running out of things to say, so I will sign off.

Friday, May 7, 2010

A very rainy day

Yesterday was a bit chilly, at first, but then turned into a wonderful day! Today, it's rainy--and they say by nightfall, we might get snow!!! Get real!! I'm ready for springtime weather, but I guess we had that back in March.

You should see my big, beautiful back yard!!! I'm so excited to have some open space!! It's huge!! We will fill it up this year with a new trampoline and a pool. And, we will have LOTS of room to spare--enough room to play volleyball, and baseball or kickball. The newly planted grass is beginning to come up, and hopefully, soon, we won't have a mud pit. Although, Becca wants to move the volleyball net out to the muddy part and play in the mud!

Jon took off for Madison this morning, as he has a job interview down there. It is bittersweet--we are so proud of him, he has really matured this year, and we hope he gets the job, but, yet, we will miss him terribly.

Tonight will be really different. Just hubby & myself, and 2 little boys! Whatever will we do?? Maybe we will have to watch a Jerry Lewis movie. Dh is a Jerry Lewis fan, and we are raising the little ones right, as they love Jerry Lewis, too. Our favorites are the old movies, in black and white, with Dean Martin. All the older dc are going to Josh & Brittany's for a bon fire, and youth outing.

I have a birthday coming up, and no ideas on what I want! I guess I really don't need anything. So, if you have any ideas on what dh and family can get me--let me know!! (If you really know me well, you would know I don't like surprises--and I usually peek at gifts!! So, pass any suggestions through me first) May is one of our big birthday months--we have 3 birthdays in May--first mine, then a couple days later, Matthew, and then Daniel. Oh, and guess which cake Matthew wants again this year???? Yep--Candy Land Cake!! (Andrew is begging me NOT to make it again--but it is Matthew's birthday, and he gets to choose)

Found out today that my cousin was killed in a car accident early this morning. Pray for his family, as his dad, my uncle, is taking it very hard. My dad will be conducting the funeral.

I thought the wallpaper on this blog was of flowers, at first, but on closer inspection, I found out they are tools. :) Well, I guess that is because I am still a work in progress.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This is Matthew after the damage was done. :(

This is a picture of the children in the truck as we were traveling. This is the picture from last week--when Matthew had nice hair!

You cut your hair????

Can anyone tell me what possesses a child to cut their hair??? And, especially right before I need to get their pictures done. :( Well, in all fairness, he got gum in his hair--um, if it's in your mouth, how did it end up on top of your head?? I was gone to a ladies meeting, and I guess Matthew was all upset about the gum in the hair. So, his dad told him to wait until I got home. He had no patience, and had to get it out right now. So, he cut his hair. Right across the bangs. And, in some spots, it looks like he held back part of the hair, and cut the rest right down to the scalp. At least it will grow back, but he will have funny looking pictures.

So, today is Cinco de Mayo. We celebrated by having Taco Soup. Yep--it sounds weird, this is the first time we have had it, and actually, it was pretty good. I loaded mine with sour cream and cheese. Dh added cheese and corn chips. Tonight, we are going to have enchiladas and taco rice. The children are all bummed that I didn't make Fried Ice Cream. Maybe some other time.

Do you know the history behind this holiday?? Did you know that Helmann's Mayonnaise used to be made in England?? and that Mexicans love Mayonnaise? Well, in England in 1912, they loaded up 12,000 jars of Mayonnaise on the Titanic--and eventually it was to go to Mexico. Well, we all know what happened to the Titanic. It sunk. The nation of Mexico went into a time of mourning, and still mourn on the day that the Mayonnaise was to arrive, which was May 5th. So, every year, they mourn the Sinko de Mayo. :)

Here ends today's wit.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I thought I would give this a go, and see how I do. :) I am a wife & mother--married to a Pastor, and we have 10 children together--not a Yours, Mine and Ours family. One husband, one wife, 10 children.

A "Manse" is an old term for the pastor's residence--the current word is parsonage. But, I was trying to stay with the "M's", as our last name also starts with an "M". So, I came up with Many in the Manse.

Yes--life does get crazy--probably more often than not.

Today, I had to run to church for a bit, and was sure I had my cell phone in my purse--in case the oldest babysitter at home needed to reach me. Well, just a while later, my husband got a call from our oldest son, asking where I was--he had called my cell phone, only to have my 9 year old (with Down's) answer the phone! The oldest son asks the one with my phone--Does mom know you have her phone?? He quickly hung up.

I should tell you a bit about us--we have been married for 28 years. We have 10 children--Josh (26) is married to Brittany; Josiah (23) married to Sarah, and they have our first grandbaby--Jeremiah (4 months); Benjamin (22) is in Madison going to school for Video Technology--I forget the official label; Rachel (20) is living at home, working to earn enough money for further education; Jonathan (18) just got his driver's license and is going to graduate home school high school; Rebecca just turned sweet 16, and got a dozen roses from her dad; Daniel will be 14 this month--and is way taller than me; Andrew is 11, and loves sports; Samuel is 9 and is our child with Down Syndrome; and lastly is Matthew, who will be 7 this month. Whew, there you have it!

Oh, and did I mention that I have home educated all of the children, for all of their school years? I have almost 5 done (as of June of this year), and 5 more to go--1/2 way there.