Well, let's see. A lot has happened since I last wrote. We got our lawn mower back, and it has worked one time (haven't tried it after that--so this week's mowing will tell for sure). I helped mow, we had both mowers going, the rider and the push mower. I learned a lesson. Don't wear fairly new shoes while push mowing. I have worn the shoes to church, but apparently, I didn't walk in them much. So, I got a blister, so I kicked them off. Now, I know you are not supposed to do that, and I am all for showing safety first to my children. I guess it should have been my cue to quit mowing. I'm a slow learner. So, dh wasn't too happy that I was mowing barefoot. I know I shouldn't have, but that meant shutting off the mower, and I can't restart it by myself. It also meant putting a shoe on an already burst blister. I was careful, though, and only got very green feet. The good news is--I got to soak my feet afterwards. :)
Sunday was filled with church, and then most of the family came over. My sister, brother-in-law, and their family came over, as well as my parents, and Siah & Sarah. Dad is weak, but we all enjoyed having him over. We grilled out brats & dogs, and had some wonderful salads and desserts.
I thought everyone would stay later, and I also had planned a smoked chicken & cheesy hash brown potatoes. I tried a new recipe for the smoked chicken, and it was delish!
Yesterday, we celebrated Siah's birthday. I guess I didn't hear the infomercial on not telling the crew at Los Cabos that it was Siah's birthday. So, I told our waitress, and she brought Siah a fried ice cream--along with a whole bunch of others, singing, and playing guitars. They put a huge Mexican hat on Siah, and at the end of the song, smeared whipped cream on his face. I felt bad--I had no clue they would put the whipped cream on his face. But, it was all fun. Wish I had my camera with. Some of the others got pictures with their cell phones. We had a nice group of us there--Siah & Sarah & Jeremiah, Josh & Brittany, Jon, Rick and myself.
Oh, I should explain why I didn't hear the statement to not tell about Siah's birthday. I can not hear much out of my left ear, and now my right ear is really plugged up. I miss a lot of the conversations.
After Los Cabos, Siah & Sarah, Jon, Rick and I went bowling. And, we had an unexpected blessing, that it was only $1 to rent shoes, and $1 per game!! I think the cheapness of the night reflected on my game--ha ha! We also found out that on Thursday nights, rental and game are only 50 cents! It's been so long since we've been bowling, my husband has his own ball & carry bag, we couldn't get the zipper to open!!! So, he was knocked down to our level, and had to use one of the lanes balls. He didn't bowl his normal great game.
My hubby is a Jerry Lewis fan. He found a website that will email you when a favorite movie is on. So, he put in a Jerry Lewis movie, and it's been telling him that it is on tonight at 5, and on which channel. Already have it set up to tape. I'm a good wife. ;)
I need to get going. Have to study my lesson for tonight's ladies meeting. We are starting a new study book, Crazy Love.
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