"The Wonder of Your Love" by Beth Wiseman, is a story about an Amish woman, Katie Ann Stolzfus, whose husband left her to go to the modern world. Her husband, you find out, has been living with a modern woman, and does not know his wife is expecting their first child. He is killed in a car accident. Enter Amish Eli Detweiler, a widower of many years, who had remained single, and raised his family of 6 children by himself. They meet at a wedding, and really like each other, but realize that they are at different stages in their life, he is done raising his family, she is just beginning. This book has a few twists and turns, and some of it is rather predictable.
I did enjoy the book, as it was easy to read, but I did have a few problems with the book, and authenticity. Because I live in Wisconsin, and we have quite a few Amish people around, as well as ex-Amish in our church, I know a little of their life. My first complaint, is that Katie Ann being Amish, has an "Englisch" best friend, Martha. They see each other quite often, and the "Englisch" friend is even allowed to attend the Amish services. Next, Katie Ann has a refrigerator and freezer in her house. Also, both Eli, and Katie Ann are allowed to fly in airplanes. Pretty much unheard of. So, if you can overlook these discrepancies, you would probably enjoy the book.
The statement I disliked the most, was that, Martha said, "it didn't matter what religion you were as long as you were fully committed to the Lord." YIKES!! Really??? It doesn't matter what Religion you are?? I would be happier if she said it didn't matter what denomination you are, but Religion?? It was just a small statement, but I really have a problem with it.
So, if you can overlook the authenticity issues, as well as not mattering over which religion you are, the book was interesting to read. After the book, she did give some recipes, which were fun to read through.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this e-book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
I appreciate your honesty. Most book reviews are only positive. Your concerns are rightly justified.