My last post I made the remark that the pool didn't heat up, as the temps had been too cool. Not so anymore!! It has been in the 100's all this week (or nearly there--a lady at the checkouts yesterday said it was 106), and it hasn't been cooling down at night, at all! And we have had high humidity, too. Really draining on a person. We are so thankful for a/c!! The pool has been so warm--we had to remove the solar cover--it's been completely off the last 3 days, and we have been adding cold water to the pool!! We have never had a pool so warm, and this is a much larger pool.
Monday, we spent working on Sports Camp--that time of year again. Monday night we had our first meeting.
Tuesday, I did some more Sports Camp stuff, as in, I worked on the church's webpage, to get the Sports Camp stuff updated on there. God helped me figure out how to put in a hyper link, so people can download a registration form. That was so far above this totally un-tech savvy mama. I asked God for the wisdom, and He gave it!! Later that afternoon we hung out in the pool, and vacuumed it, which adds cooler water to the pool, as the vacuum hooks up to a garden hose.
Wednesday was the 4th of July, and we ended up having the family get together here. It was supposed to be at my parents' house, but they don't have central air, and we didn't want their house to get all hot, so we did it here. I told everyone if they didn't mind the mess here, they are welcome to come. It turned out to be really nice. We spent some time in the pool, and made a fruit pizza, and a veggie pizza, as we were having a "Pizza, Pizza, Pizza" party. My mom brought the regular pizzas. All the family was here, except for Ben, as he couldn't make it because of having to work the next day in Madison. After eating, we went outside and shot off some fireworks, and I had the garden hose ready. Oh, and did I mention that hubby and I got sunburned??
Yesterday, I did some online shopping--got my hubby a new laptop cord, and shopped around for some pool filters. Then, we did our regular shopping. We were going to head into Eau Claire, but the heat zapped us, and we decided to just make it a short trip. Then, we came home, and hopped in the pool. It really is nice to have one!
Last night, I made some "Gel Packs". This is a great idea from my friend Katy B.!!! She told me about them, and when I couldn't find the gel inside stuff, she got on the phone, and online, and helped me. Anyway, you make a tube, and you put in some Soil Moist stuff--maybe about 1-2 teaspoons, for a tube that is 3" x 18" (after it is all sewed up). I did make 3 compartments, plus some ties, to tie it around the neck. I made 3 of these gel packs, and then you soak them in water and they swell up. I made 3 gel packs, and got them all swollen, and then placed them in the fridge for Jon to take to work. He has been working outside in this heat all week, and it's been making him sick.
Today is Josh's last day of work at Contour Plastics. Next week, he starts in construction.
Today, I plan on vacuuming the pool again. And I hope to finish up a project. I've been trying to make a bumper to go around my Cog Wheel table. I originally bought a twin comforter, and that turned into a mess. Then, I saw that Rachel wasn't using the crib bumper pad I bought, so I am turning that into a bumper pad for the table. I am turning the ends over, and putting in elastic. Then, I will attach velcro to it, so it will be removable. I want to protect the grandbabies heads. If I get this all done, then maybe I will go through Sam and Matthew's clothes. I hate that job!
Matthew is doing great with his removable cast. His arm still isn't completely straight, but he is working on it. The cast has been off, or removable for 9 days. He goes back in on the 17th, and if it isn't completely straight, he will have to start physical therapy.
Blessings to you and yours! (and I hope you are staying cool!)