I have warned my boys about using the great outdoors as a restroom. Over and over again. First, it's just plain lazy, if they can't run inside, and use the bathroom. Also, it's an issue of modesty. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but those are my rules. Well, the neighbor boys taught my two youngest the "joys" of going to the bathroom outside. Hmmm. Until one young son started itching "down there". :) Do you see where this is going?? Well, at first he thought it was mosquito bites, but, then, when I saw the rash, I recognized it as poison ivy. It was a pretty bad rash, and we took him into the doctor, and he confirmed it as poison ivy, and gave a strong steroid to clear it up.
So--mama's--warn your sons about using the great outdoors as a restroom. And, while you're at it--show them what poison ivy looks like. :)
And I know that my son is not the only one to do this. LOL My sister was over on the 4th of July, and she said that when one of her sons was little, he gave her a tour of the back yard, and said, "This is the climbing tree, and this is the potty tree, and this. . ." She said, "POTTY TREE???" So please, tell your sons about my son's painful lesson. :)
Update on the gel packs. I guess they didn't work too well today. I think we will try to figure out how to get his cooler to stay colder. And, maybe we will try freezing the gel packs. Try again tomorrow.
Update on vacuuming the pool. It did not go so well!! We have a pool vacuum, that hooks to a garden hose (using water displacement). Well, the debris goes into a pillowcase that is attached to the vacuum head. Well, the whole pillowcase came off, and dumped all of the debris (read--years worth!!) into the pool. Oh gross!!! And I'm standing in the pool!! I did get it reattached, and then vacuumed and skimmed. The pool does look nice again, and the children have enjoyed it all this afternoon, and even now.
That's all for today.
I like your new design.