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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cleaning up

     I forgot to tell you that I did a bunch of cleaning, and even had Becca's graduation party!  That is all done!  I pushed hard to get my school planned for the year (my goal was to have it done by August 1st).  I finished it with 1 week to spare.  Then, I got busy, and cleaned for Becca's party.  For her party, she had a Mexican theme, so I made home made refried beans, tacos (we used 30 pounds of meat, and it was about 15 pounds too much--thankfully, it freezes well), chips, salsa, nacho dip and a cake.

     I also did some rearranging.  And, I found a fascination with glass canning jars.  So, I did internet searches, on how to use them.  I put all my spices (I buy in bulk), in canning jars, and then I used my Pump 'N Seal to keep them fresh.  I also put all my pasta, and do we have a lot!  in jars.  My mom had given me some 1/2 gallon sized jars, and you can fit a lot of pasta in those!    And, for my special, or unique jars, I put them on display on my open shelves. 

     Yesterday, I was weeding, out by the raspberry bed, and asparagus bed, and I jumped and screamed.  Enough to make the boys all hop off the 4 wheeler!!  They came running.  I saw a small snake, about the size of a pencil in width, and about 9 inches long.  I also saw something crawling through the grass.  I thought it was a mouse.  I don't do mice.  At all.  Well, I found a nest of baby bunnies.  I thought there were 5, but today, we found 6.  I left the weeding alone, hoping that the mother would move them.  She didn't.  They weren't in the nest, but still in the weeds, and when I started weeding, they hopped, and hit in the grass.  So, today, I had Matthew put some gloves on and move them into the way back, where they won't get hit by the lawn mower.  Ewww!  Not sure if you can see them, but there are 3 here in the nest. 

     On Sunday, it was Andrew's 14th birthday.  He had Monkey Bread for breakfast, Crock Pot style Gyros for lunch.  In the evening, we went to a Dallas Holm concert at our church, and treats afterwards.  I told him I would make his chicken pot pie on Monday, as it takes a bit of time.

     Boy--did it ever take a bit of time!!!  I thought I had some pie crusts in the fridge.  Well, they were bad, so I had to make my own pie crusts.  I do not make pie crusts!!  I had frustration upon frustration!  Finally got them in the pan, and they tasted good.  Didn't look the greatest, but they tasted good.

     When we were at the Dells, we stopped in to a place called Buffalo Phil's.  They have a separate section in their restaurant, for the family area, where the meals are delivered by a train!  It was a lot of fun.  Here is Sam getting the pop off the train.

And, a better picture with Sam and Matthew and the train.

It was a lot of fun!

     Siah and the children are coming tonight!  Haven't had them over in quite a while!  It will be fun, and Sam will be totally thrilled!!


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