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Friday, May 19, 2017

Why Moms love pictures, and teens hate them

An open letter to my children, and other teens/tweens:

As a mom, we love to take pictures. Why do we take pictures?  To preserve memories!  AND--we are proud of our children!

I know, that as the children grow up--they don't like their pictures taken--but, as a mom, we LOVE our children, and WANT to take pictures of them.  But, when the kids get to be teens, or even tweens, they start shying away from the camera, and even blocking the lens.  Hey, we ALL lived through that awkward stage!  If you don't want us to post them on Facebook, or a blog--tell us--but don't deny us the chance to take your picture.

One day, you kids will be grown up and gone, and all we mom's will have left, are our memories (well, hopefully I will still have my memory!  LOL), and the pictures that we took.

So--young people, even though you don't like your picture taken--PLEASE let your mom take them--that is all she will have left after you move away.  So, don't rob me of this pleasure!


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