I've done a bit this week, so I might take it a bit easy today. I made a "Crown of Thorns", for the Palm Sunday drama. Except I didn't want to make it out of thorns, and have Josh have real blood flowing down his face, so I made it out of a grape vine. I ordered a long, hooded white satin cape for the Easter play, for Josh (playing Jesus again). I could not find any in the US, so, I ordered it from England, off eBay. I have never ordered anything from outside the US, so I hope that it comes in time, and that it is as good as it looks!
Yesterday, I made a chocolate cheesecake. That is the first time I have ever made a cheesecake. I had just acquired some springform pans, and I wanted to give it a try. It was good, but I don't think we let it chill long enough. So, I think today, it will be much better. Even my hubby had some!!! Wow!! He hates anything cream cheese.
I also made some bar soap. That was NOT my best batch. I must be out of practice. I made some unscented bars, a couple bars of Feliz Navidad scent (I had received a small amount of this scent when I had placed an order--Brambleberry is very nice that way, in sending you a small sample with every order), and then I made a bunch of spicy bars (Clove, Cinnamon, and Orange).
Then, I made some homemade pizza, and we enjoyed ourselves eating that. We watched an old Jerry Lewis movie, "Hook, Line and Sinker". It wasn't as funny as some of the older ones.
Today, I need to print off some more posters, and reminder cards for the Living Last Supper. We are totally out of posters, and almost out of the reminder cards.
Jon wants me to trim his hair (I think he asked at 9:30 last night, and I just didn't feel up to it). So, maybe today.
I should shampoo the living room carpet. But, we shall see. Last week, I didn't plan on doing much, and we ran to town, and I fixed my pantry cupboards. Everything went wrong, and an upper shelf fell down on top of me, leaving bruises on both arms and my back. Dh came to the rescue, and bought pizzas for supper, as well as better shelving supports.
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