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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Still Sore

Well, our trip to Ben's apartment was not uneventful!  I wish I could say it was uneventful.  We left around 1, and hit snow around Tomah.  We slowed way down, and saw a car in the ditch.  It must have just happened, as the people were still in there, and traffic had slowed way down as well.  We dropped Becca, Dan and Andrew off in the Dells, and they had a nice time at the PK retreat.  Then, hubby, and Sam and Matthew and I headed down to Ben's.  We got a motel, and then headed over to unload.  It was up, and down, 3 flights of stairs.  When you live in a house that is only 1 story, as well as everywhere I go, it's all 1 level, those stairs were killers!!  I was about done in on my second trip up.  :)  But, we made it.  Thankfully, there was an elevator that we could use for the last trip up with the sofa bed.  I know we never would have gotten that up the stairs.  So, my legs are still sore from the move.  I am out of shape.

We got back on Saturday, and got all prepared for Sunday.

Then, Sunday was a full day--Sunday School, Morning Worship, Fellowship Dinner.  Then, I had people help me set up the Living Last Supper table, so I could get pictures to put on posters to be handed out.  I was also busy taking pictures of the babies for Cradle Roll.  Then, after that, we had a Video Conference that lasted until 8 PM.  What a long day!! 

Wow--is my camera ever nice!!!!  Thank you, honey!!!!!  I have gotten so many nice compliments on the pictures I have taken.  (Someone even asked if I went to school for it!!) 

Yesterday was Becca's 18th birthday.  I can't believe my sweet baby girl is now 18!  If you didn't already know, I always let the children pick all their birthday meals.  Hers were: sausage and eggs, veggie pizza, and tacos.  Her cake was a Cranberry Cake with butter sauce (which is an old family favorite).  We had the married boys, and families over, along with the grandparents.  We had a very nice time, celebrating this very special young lady.

Today, Matthew is having a friend come over for a play date.  I think he is a bit nervous about his scoliosis appointment (he's counting down the days on a marker board on the fridge).  So, I thought this would help pass his time, and hopefully get his mind off the appointment.

I am contemplating doing some musical dramas for Palm Sunday, as well as for Easter.  I just don't know if I have enough umph to put into it.  I think it would be very moving.  For the music, I would use, "Watch the Lamb", and "He's Alive."

1 comment:

  1. OH that sounds exciting; we will pray that the Lord will give you the "umph" to do it; we put a poster up today at the library for the LLS. The Palm Sunday sounds super special! Looking forward to it! Let me know if I can be of help.
