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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Last minute cleaning frenzy!

Well, I got my school year planned out, and all the school planning done!!!  I finished up Tuesday at 4 PM.  Then, Josiah and the children came over.

Wednesday, I did a bunch of cleaning!  I cleaned off the glass table, as that was being used as my project table.  I cleaned out the entry closet, and that is nicely organized!!  I had some boxes from my Bosch, as well as my Grain Master Whisper Mill.  The Grain Master had a "lifetime" warranty.  Which you think would be nice--but when the company closes, or sells out to another--you lose your lifetime warranty.  I then put baskets up on the shelf, one basket for light bulbs, one basket for gloves and hats, one basket for vacuum cleaner bags and belts, one basket for hubby's hats and also umbrellas.  Nice and clean!!

My mom had given me a bunch of canning jars, and I buy spices in bulk--so I cleaned up my spice shelf, and put my spices in the canning jars.  Mom also gave me 1/2 gallon sized jars, and I put pasta in those.  I found some older jars, and I will put some noodles, or beans in those, and put them out for display in the kitchen, on the open shelves.  The girls think it's weird, but I kind of like it.

I also took the boys' pictures.  I love 1 hour photo!!  I had them made into 8 x 10's to put on the wall.  It's been a few years since I did the pictures.

Here's Dan

And Andrew:



My new rose bush "Double Delight"

Well, I should get going and get some more cleaned.  Tomorrow, I will be cooking for the graduation party, and Saturday is the party!!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Freaky and Freakier!!

Yesterday, after Matthew got his cast off, I had 1/2 hour to hop in the pool.  So, then, hubby decides to come in the pool, too.  While we are relaxing, the children come running outside, to tell us there is something dead in our bathroom!!  How's that for relaxing???

So, Rick went inside to check it out, and it was a dead bat--in MY bathroom!!!!!  He got rid of it, but it has been bothering me, as to how this thing got in there.  That's the freaky part.

I think I finally figured it out today!!  I went in the bathroom, and put my swimsuit on.  Mine was hanging in the bathroom.  I left, and went into the pool.

Hubby decides to go swimming, but his swimsuit was hanging on the clothesline.  I think the bat was in his swimsuit, and it (thankfully!) fell out before he put it on.  That is the freakier part.  :)  Needless to say, hubby is really freaked out, as well as the children. 

So, there was something the people in the old west did, and that was to shake out your clothes, and shoes, before putting them on.  Good advice!!  Our friend Rex M. in California, can attest to that.  A few years ago, he had to get up early for work.  So, rather than disturb his wife, by getting out his clothes in the early morning, he got them out, and laid them on the bathroom floor.  Well, a scorpion crawled into his underwear, and yes, he got stung, and, yes, he did end up disturbing his wife's sleep the next morning. 

Matthew's cast is off now, and he does not need to do therapy.  He does have to work on touching his shoulder, as that movement is very limited.  The doctor said it could take months, or years, before he is able to do that, because of bone growth.

Last night, we had a meeting at the church, as we are contemplating new Sunday School curriculum.  Hubby and I took the 4 wheeler to church.  On the way home, I was looking at a burned area near the railroad tracks (that happened last week, and thankfully, the fire department got there before it got out of hand).  Well, I saw something further up from the burned area, so we went to look.  We found a gas can, with something sticking out of it.  We have now informed our town's maintenance man, and he is looking into it, as it may have been arson.

I am busy planning our next school year.  So, I am trying to get that done before August 1st.  I am hoping that the month of August will be a relaxing time for me, before I get into the next school year.  Yes, I know we have Sports Camp, but I don't want to have things hanging over my head.


Friday, July 13, 2012

How to put the cast back on

So, here is the next part, that shows how he puts the cast back on.

Here is the original cast, waiting to be put on.

Here is Matthew, ready to put it on.  :)

Here he is with half the cast on

 Here both parts are ready to be fastened:

And here is the final, all ready to go:

On Monday, Matthew goes in, to get it checked out.  We are hoping this is the last time in, and that he will not have another broken ANYTHING!!


Matthew's cast removal

I have had some requests to see how Matthew's cast works, now that it is removable.  So, I will show you how it comes off.

First, it is all the same, original cast.  Here is Matthew, with the cast on, when it wasn't removable.

Here he is getting it cut off.

Next, they pry the cast apart.

Then, they cut the padding.

And, finally they remove the arm, ever so gently.

The next post will show how it is removable.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

God is good!!

Yesterday was a very productive day!!  On top of fixing the bumper for the table, making a new hammock seat, I was also able to go through Andrew's clothes!!  So, I have all the boys' clothes cleaned out.  Woo hoo!  And--while supper was in the oven, I was even able to put in a new screen in the screen door--praise the Lord for the right tools!!  I have replaced other screens with just a screwdriver and a knife, and it took forever!!  Having a little tool, and a sharp utility knife, I had it in place in 1/2 hour or less!!  Then, we ate supper, and headed to church.

While I was at church, Jon called saying he broke down on the way home.  Or, he said, maybe he was out of gas.  I had to run home, grab the tow rope, a gas can, and my phone charger, as the phone was almost dead.  Stopped and got gas in the gas can.  I prayed all the way to pick him up--Lord, PLEASE let him just be out of gas--as I really don't want to have to tow him.  I found him on the road, and we started putting the gas in his tank, and while we did that, we prayed.  We quoted to Him, that where 2 or 3 are gathered together in His name, He is there in the midst of us.  Well, Lord, there are 2 of us here, and we need Your help.  Finished putting the gas in, and the car started up!!  Praise the Lord!! 

We figure someone might have siphoned his gas, as he had filled the car up recently (the gas gauge is broke).  So, we got home, he showered, and then we took off to the closest Wal-Mart.  Stopped in at Fleet Farm, and bought a locking gas cap.  Then, headed to Wal-Mart, as I needed to buy some bandages, as while Jon was at work, he got a nasty cut on his hand.  I bought butterfly bandages, some bandage tape, and super glue.  Came home, and fixed him up. 

You never know what a day will hold.

Today, we are planning  when to take some (much needed) time off.  I am also planning a menu, and going shopping.  :)


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm on a roll! 2 projects finished in 1 day!

I really feel good about what I have accomplished today!  I finally finished the bumper for the table (which I started back in June).  But, I also started and finished sewing a hammock!  It feels nice to get something done, and to be able to cross it off the to do list!

First--here is the ripped hammock.  Pretty sad, huh?

Now, here it is all fresh and new!

Oh, and here is hubby with his new lawn tractor, with the lawn sweeper hooked up.


One project done!

Well, I finally go the bumper for the cog wheel done!

Here is a picture of just the cog wheel table:

And, here is the cog wheel table with the new bumper on it:

Off to the next project!


Projects, projects EVERYWHERE!!

We have so many projects going on--it is unbelievable!  And--what I totally dislike, is being in the middle of a project, and finding out you either have a wrong part, or need one.  Or, to be doing one project, only to see another one that needs attention.

Let's see if I can explain. I was working on the bumper for the cog wheel table.  I got down to the last bit--of sewing on the Velcro.  Only to find out, I needed Velcro.  Hubby had run into the store, but there were so many types of Velcro, he didn't know what I wanted.  He got a sticky back kind (actually, two kinds!), and I needed the sew on kind.  I finally got that straightened out, and I am really hoping to get that project checked off.

Yesterday, I cleaned out the 2 youngest boys' dressers.  Woo hoo!!!  Only to see their bed sagging.  Some of the bars under their mattress had come off, and so I hooked it up with a cable wire and u-bolts.  Ran to the store for u-bolts, as well as a locking bolt to fix the mop bucket.

We tried to return the mugs, and they would have, but I didn't have the church credit card with me, as it was paid with the church credit card.  I had Wal-Mart print off a photo, made from the same picture as the mugs, just to show them that my picture wasn't off.  So, we have to get the card tonight, and return the mugs tomorrow.  I just want that over and done with.  I am not sure I will place another order, as it is really nerve wracking.

I need to replace the cloth on our hammock.  On the 4th of July, hubby sat down to relax in his hammock, when all of a sudden, it crashed!!  Because it had been in the sun, the sun weakened the cloth, and he fell through!  Thankfully, he wasn't hurt, just escaped with a scraped and bruised arm.  I bought the cloth, and need to fix that.

I also need to fix the screen mesh for the patio door. 

And, we are still working on cleaning and rearranging the garage.

I sold the karate equipment we had!!  Slowly, but surely, we are getting rid of the extra stuff.  I also sold a portable baby high chair.  I also sold Ben's table and chairs.  He didn't want them, and they were taking up room in the garage.  I am still trying to sell the entertainment center, and a dog kennel.

Last night, we went to see a comedian/juggler.  He was really good!!  The library was sponsoring him, and it was scheduled at 5:30.  I was so pleased with myself--I made 2 pans of manicotti earlier, and had them in the oven on time bake, so when we got home, we could eat.  I didn't want to eat before, as we were planning on leaving at 4:45, and we would have had to have eaten at 4, and then the whole family would have been starving afterwards.  The juggler had appeared on America's Got Talent, and he did a nice job of entertaining.  Not many people showed up, and we also passed out a couple of Sports Camp postcards.  The juggler was a Christian, and was wearing a t-shirt talking about the Majesty of the Lord's name. 

Today, the men are pouring concrete, so they can get the shed moved onto the slab.  The church bought a used shed, and moved it to the church, and they are getting it prepped to put in place.


Monday, July 9, 2012


Well, if you are reading this, then you don't have internet problems from the Mal-Ware July 9th issue.  :)  So, here is my day so far:

It is a bit after 10 this morning, and I am keeping myself busy.  I skimmed out the pool, put a new filter in the pump, cleaned out the old filter, and put the solar cover back on the pool.  It's at the temp I want now, so we will keep it there.  I also made out an order for Sports Camp.  I was trying to get a hold of a lady all morning, and finally got through (someone told me she wanted stuff ordered, also).

I am hoping to work on going through the boys' clothes.  I had started it on Saturday, but then, we got the call saying we could come pick up a lawn sweeper.  That was on the other side of Eau Claire.  Because the Suburban is STILL broke, we had to get a 48" sweeper in the car!  That was fun to do!!

I also have some stuff listed, that people are going to come today to pick up!  Yeah!  My hubby will be so happy to be clearing this stuff out!!

I had such a wicked headache last night (migraine), I ended up staying home from church.  I could not handle lights or noise.  I am doing a bit better today, at least I can have some lights on.  It was probably the heat, but could also be stress.  I ordered the Living Last Supper mugs--21 of them!!!  Only to pick them up, and they are horrible!!!!  The men's faces are all red or orange.  So, that is another situation I need to handle.  ARGH!!!!


Friday, July 6, 2012

Mama's Please tell your boys. . .

I have warned my boys about using the great outdoors as a restroom.  Over and over again.  First, it's just plain lazy, if they can't run inside, and use the bathroom.  Also, it's an issue of modesty.  Maybe I'm old fashioned, but those are my rules.  Well, the neighbor boys taught my two youngest the "joys" of going to the bathroom outside.  Hmmm.  Until one young son started itching "down there".  :)  Do you see where this is going??  Well, at first he thought it was mosquito bites, but, then, when I saw the rash, I recognized it as poison ivy.   It was a pretty bad rash, and we took him into the doctor, and he confirmed it as poison ivy, and gave a strong steroid to clear it up.

So--mama's--warn your sons about using the great outdoors as a restroom.  And, while you're at it--show them what poison ivy looks like.  :)

And I know that my son is not the only one to do this.  LOL  My sister was over on the 4th of July, and she said that when one of her sons was little, he gave her a tour of the back yard, and said, "This is the climbing tree, and this is the potty tree, and this. . ."  She said, "POTTY TREE???"  So please, tell your sons about my son's painful lesson.  :)

Update on the gel packs.  I guess they didn't work too well today.  I think we will try to figure out how to get his cooler to stay colder.  And, maybe we will try freezing the gel packs.  Try again tomorrow.

Update on vacuuming the pool.  It did not go so well!!  We have a pool vacuum, that hooks to a garden hose (using water displacement).  Well, the debris goes into a pillowcase that is attached to the vacuum head.  Well, the whole pillowcase came off, and dumped all of the debris (read--years worth!!) into the pool.  Oh gross!!!  And I'm standing in the pool!!  I did get it reattached, and then vacuumed and skimmed.  The pool does look nice again, and the children have enjoyed it all this afternoon, and even now.

That's all for today.

Heat Wave!

My last post I made the remark that the pool didn't heat up, as the temps had been too cool.  Not so anymore!!  It has been in the 100's all this week (or nearly there--a lady at the checkouts yesterday said it was 106), and it hasn't been cooling down at night, at all!  And we have had high humidity, too.  Really draining on a person.  We are so thankful for a/c!!  The pool has been so warm--we had to remove the solar cover--it's been completely off the last 3 days, and we have been adding cold water to the pool!!  We have never had a pool so warm, and this is a much larger pool.

Monday, we spent working on Sports Camp--that time of year again.  Monday night we had our first meeting.

Tuesday, I did some more Sports Camp stuff, as in, I worked on the church's webpage, to get the Sports Camp stuff updated on there.  God helped me figure out how to put in a hyper link, so people can download a registration form.  That was so far above this totally un-tech savvy mama.  I asked God for the wisdom, and He gave it!!  Later that afternoon we hung out in the pool, and vacuumed it, which adds cooler water to the pool, as the vacuum hooks up to a garden hose.

Wednesday was the 4th of July, and we ended up having the family get together here.  It was supposed to be at my parents' house, but they don't have central air, and we didn't want their house to get all hot, so we did it here.  I told everyone if they didn't mind the mess here, they are welcome to come.  It turned out to be really nice.  We spent some time in the pool, and made a fruit pizza, and a veggie pizza, as we were having a "Pizza, Pizza, Pizza" party.  My mom brought the regular pizzas.  All the family was here, except for Ben, as he couldn't make it because of having to work the next day in Madison.  After eating, we went outside and shot off some fireworks, and I had the garden hose ready.  Oh, and did I mention that hubby and I got sunburned??

Yesterday, I did some online shopping--got my hubby a new laptop cord, and shopped around for some pool filters.  Then, we did our regular shopping.  We were going to head into Eau Claire, but the heat zapped us, and we decided to just make it a short trip.  Then, we came home, and hopped in the pool.  It really is nice to have one!

Last night, I made some "Gel Packs".  This is a great idea from my friend Katy B.!!!  She told me about them, and when I couldn't find the gel inside stuff, she got on the phone, and online, and helped me.  Anyway, you make a tube, and you put in some Soil Moist stuff--maybe about 1-2 teaspoons, for a tube that is 3" x 18" (after it is all sewed up).  I did make 3 compartments, plus some ties, to tie it around the neck.  I made 3 of these gel packs, and then you soak them in water and they swell up.  I made 3 gel packs, and got them all swollen, and then placed them in the fridge for Jon to take to work.  He has been working outside in this heat all week, and it's been making him sick.

Today is Josh's last day of work at Contour Plastics.  Next week, he starts in construction.

Today, I plan on vacuuming the pool again.  And I hope to finish up a project.  I've been trying to make a bumper to go around my Cog Wheel table.  I originally bought a twin comforter, and that turned into a mess.  Then, I saw that Rachel wasn't using the crib bumper pad I bought, so I am turning that into a bumper pad for the table.  I am turning the ends over, and putting in elastic.  Then, I will attach velcro to it, so it will be removable.  I want to protect the grandbabies heads.  If I get this all done, then maybe I will go through Sam and Matthew's clothes.  I hate that job!

Matthew is doing great with his removable cast.  His arm still isn't completely straight, but he is working on it.  The cast has been off, or removable for 9 days.  He goes back in on the 17th, and if it isn't completely straight, he will have to start physical therapy.

Blessings to you and yours!  (and I hope you are staying cool!)